快好知 kuaihz

31. The doctor analysed the blood sample for anaemia. 32. Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth. 33. Blood spurted out from the wound. 34. He coughed out some drops of blood last night. 35. The blood was spat out of his mouth. 36. His blood pressure tended to stabilize. 37. The heart pumps blood through the body. 38. In cases of tuberculosis blood is expectorated. 39. Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure. 40. The medicine dilated the blood vessels. 41. The wound was still spouting blood. 42. The room was splattered with blood. 43. She lost a lot of blood in the accident. 44. The walls were spattered with blood. 45. Blood started out of his wound. 46. The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision. 47. Be quick, cover the blood stains over. 48. A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest. 49. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation. 50. Her tears mingled with the blood on her face. 51. Blood was still oozing out of the wound. 52. Blood poured from a deep gash in her forehead. 53. a drug that constricts the blood vessels. 54. His face was smeared with blood. 55. The battlefield flowed with rivers of blood. 56. Your blood pressure is only a little high. 57. The blood around the wound clotted quickly. 58. She has pure gypsy blood in her veins. 59. She turns pale at the sight of blood. 60. Impurities are removed from the blood by the kidneys.