快好知 kuaihz

31. That year, Esquire magazine sent contributing editor Philip Caputo to Stockton to discover what might have motivated the mass murderer. 32. Demmons said disability leave was not the only factor contributing to the overtime problem. 33. Some students see it as contributing little or nothing to the overall proposal task. 34. In her adopted desert home, Bombeck was very generous, contributing time and money to a number of charitable organizations. 35. Remaining uninvolved in the conversation By contributing little, listening impassively without showing response or encouragement to the speaker to continue. 36. Rabbits and ducks have been contributing to a population explosion in the park. 37. Other factors contributing to a negative view of Britain were the royal family, violence in Northern Ireland and racial intolerance. 38. The way he did so was by contributing greatly to the development of the new Lotus. 39. Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it.Alfred Hitchcock 40. The Bureau carries out regular reviews of each contributing office's mortality and sickness experience against the general experience for all offices. 41. The main factors contributing to this overall position are then listed. 42. With most forms of taxation, there is the consolidation of contributing towards a social purpose. 43. Hopefully, mine will turn out like hers, although just playing on another championship team and contributing would be enough. 44. As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates. 45. Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop. 46. He does it by bringing into focus the various contributing factors. 47. That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition, contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere. 48. Interestingly non-smoking and non-drinking were cited by many fewer respondents as contributing to being healthy. 49. The Salmon and Trout Association believe that the use of driftnets is contributing to the decline. 50. And some of these shifts are already contributing to growth. 51. They claim government changes are contributing towards prison disorder. Government employees have been picketing social security offices in Oxford and Gloucester. 52. Median income growth among educated women, especially those contributing to a two-income household, raised incomes along the upper end. 53. Economists call this the free-rider problem; people can receive benefits from a good without contributing to its costs. 54. Hypogammaglobulinemia and depressed IgG to surface antigens of Giardia have been suggested as factors contributing to chronic infection. 55. Burning these releases stored carbon are CO2 into the air, contributing to the greenhouse effect. 56. He said the continuing difficulties had meant 1,100 jobs going last year, contributing to rationalisation costs of £6 million. 57. We are very fortunate in this country to say that prosperity and suffering, both are inherently contributing factors for unity. 58. It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid. 59. It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment. 60. But the loss of traditional jobs is also contributing to consumer unease.