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121. The Durham study, published in the academic journal Neuropsychologia, suggests visual processing problems may also be a contributing factor. 122. While at the Johor Baharu Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Malaysia, students handed over the bamboo coin bank, they had been contributing to, since the start of the year. 123. In 1829 he conducted the first performance of J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion in 100 years, greatly contributing to the Bach revival. 124. When your purpose is contributing or adding value to the world, you will be elevated to a higher level of living. 125. It's well known that abdominal fat is particularly unhealthful, contributing significantly to metabolic disruptions and heart disease. 126. But then, as the AFL-CIO points out, China's workers are due a pay rise: their share of national income has fallen in the past two decades, contributing to China's low rate of consumption. 127. He got no chance to bring about the Confucianism ideality of contributing a well runed country. 127. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 128. This abuse, with its attendant hardening and disconnectedness, must certainly be a powerful contributing factor to substance abuse and to other pathologies as well. 129. Together, China and the United States account for about 40 percent of carbon emissions, with each country contributing roughly 20 percent, or one-fifth, of worldwide emissions. 130. Objective : To explore the incidence of postpartum anxiety and its obstetrical contributing factors. 131. Information blemish, behavior of the blame reason impulse of adventurer, nearsightedness and anticipate agglutinant etc is foamy of rationality of financial capital blame main contributing factor. 132. New art is still contributing a positive share in the research of new architecture and space. 133. Fred Siegel is a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a scholar in residence at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. 134. Rastor was the main contributor to the Jean Sibelius Violin Competition, contributing an estimated EUR 100, 000. 135. The PMO also validates that the program results are contributing to the success of some component of the enterprise business strategy. 136. At the banks, overconfidence in "risk management" methods (which were mostly worthless) and ill-considered compensation practices were serious contributing causes. 137. The people of Darfur depend on the police and troop contributing countries assembled here today to speed up the required preparations and arrive in the theater of operations as soon as possible. 138. Wellborn goes by the operation policy of Innovation and grasp people oriented design as the enterprise Culture, we stick to contributing the high quality products with distinguishing features. 139. The mean sensitivity coefficient and the standard deviation sensitivity coefficient are strongly related and both can be used to identify key contributing random variables. 140. The cost of maintenance and upgrades is distributed, since individual institutes fund local computing resources and retain responsibility for these, while still contributing to the global goal. 141. AdvertisementIn addition to improved military relations, the Yama Sakura exercise is contributing "to the implementation of Japan's new dynamic defense capability, " said Lt. 142. Absorbing heat and regulating temperature and humidity, it will keep under control local space micro-climate, contributing at the same time in contrasting the urban heat island effect. 143. Monographic planning is one of the most important factors contributing to the competitiveness of sci-tech periodicals. 144. Companies in good faith, pragmatic and first - class product quality, processing industry for contributing. 145. We know that there are many contributing factice factors to the world coral reefs, we water quality of the reef. 146. We truly hope to spend a memorable week, interchanging experiences, networking and specially contributing to the development of organ donation, preservation and transplantation. 147. The office cited benzodiazepine effect as another condition contributing to his death. 148. Jonathan Thomson, Art Historian and Osage Art Consultant, for contributing the title of the show and his perceptive essay written for this publication. 149. Ocular complications in generalized erythroderma and the possible contributing factors will be discussed. 150. "The jet stream remained locked in place for weeks, bringing an unprecedented two-month heat wave to Russia and contributing to devastating floods in Pakistan at the end of July, " it said.