快好知 kuaihz

at stake造句
1. My honour is at stake. 2. The family honour is at stake. 3. The future of mankind is at stake. 4. Our children's education is at stake. 5. This decision puts our lives at stake. 6. There's more at stake here than you can possibly imagine. 7. National pride is at stake in next week's game against England. 8. At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks. 9. National honour is at stake in this match between France and England. 10. The prize at stake is a place in the final. 11. Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. 12. What was at stake was acute government embarrassment. 13. The statewide winner gets all 163 delegates at stake. 14. Pride, even personal prestige, were also at stake. 15. Something like their national honour was at stake. 16. At stake were 12,600 seats in 439 municipalities. 17. The money figures at stake can be high. 18. But wider issues are at stake. 19. But Philip, his prestige at stake in this first open challenge to the Angevin position, could not afford to retreat. 20. There was no place in history at stake here, no plan to record this event. 21. There is, we might say, a general interest at stake here. 22. And symmetry was at stake too, since Bush will be at the Gothenburg summit next month. 23. At stake the image of a party which prides itself on being loyal, but which has been riven by dissent. 24. There is more at stake here than just bringing boxes of sophisticated equipment to remote areas. 25. They have to win the contract - thousands of jobs are at stake. 26. They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake. 27. The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake. 28. The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake. 29. The senator from Kansas appeared well positioned to take almost all the 362 delegates at stake in the seven states. 30. By the force of his own enthusiasm, Buchanan has a chance of grabbing some of the 21 delegates at stake.