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at stake造句
61. Where human life is at stake, a much greater degree of certainty is required. 62. This is partly because of the importance of the interests at stake in immigration decisions: personal safety and liberty. 63. Each of those states has 18 delegates at stake, but the delegates are divided among the leading candidates. 64. It is argued that there might be one financial cost at stake in this idea. 65. At stake is whether the scheme will create more wealth than it destroys. 66. The dispute was all the more bitter because a prize was at stake. 67. What is at stake in this novelty could scarcely be greater. 68. Some of the problems are highly complex and unique in that lives are at stake depending on their successful resolution. 69. Perhaps it is not reasonable to expect news reporters to sort fact from fiction when complex environmental issues are at stake. 70. Yet the issue at stake, is not merely the content of the final examination. 71. A lot is at stake - maybe even the security of the whole western world. 72. Something similar may also have happened in Martin county, where 9,770 postal votes are at stake. 73. Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it. 74. Now, when far greater things were at stake, she had allowed her emotions to run riot. 75. At stake were 180 parliamentary and 455 state assembly seats. 76. Should Presley and Jackson divorce, there may be more at stake than pride and public perception. 77. Yet, if one really considers it, what is at stake is of immense importance, and can not be ignored. 78. What is at stake is whether conurbations like Merseyside and Tyne side face a future as grim as the present Belfast. 79. Plainly national security can not have been at stake since that had already been damaged. 80. Millions of pounds are at stake and one side is certain to receive a bloody nose. 81. No major EC country has ever been refused what it wanted when it declared that a vital national interest was at stake. 82. There was no issue, principle or point of view at stake. 83. The significance of the South Carolina primary extends far beyond the 37 delegates at stake Saturday. 84. The money at stake, however, comes from the federal government and must be approved by the board. 85. He was observing as a favor, he had nothing at stake: he could be unemotional. 86. The teacher himself, of course, has his job, his reputation and possibly his marriage at stake. 87. There was simply too much at stake to leave things to chance. 88. Its heroes are household names and millions of pounds are at stake when it is staged. 89. In fact poor people have more at stake in preserving the resources they depend on. 90. But most of all she won because she understood what was finally at stake in feminism.