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151. It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master. 152. The station master gave a blast on his whistle and we were off. 153. We have all been through a steep learning curve to master the new procedures. 154. The question is whether technology is going to be our servant or our master.http:// 155. As a politician he is a master of the 30-second sound bite. 156. The dog yelped excitedly when his master opened a desk drawer and produced his leash. 157. Determined to be his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance. 158. Money is a great servant but a bad master.Francis Bacon 159. The science and engineering master was always amiable. 160. There is no master above him anymore. 161. We were not able to see anywhere evidence of a master mind during the conflict which followed. 162. Every man lives at the mercy of his inner self - his character - that is the master of his destiny. A positive character gives birth to a good destiny, while a negative character produces a bad destiny.Dr T.P.Chia 163. The kidnaping had seen to that, and Master Yehudi was more than ready to take full advantage of the situation. 164. For, as his master opened the kitchen door, there, in eager anticipation, stood Azor. 165. The manager is master only of his actions, not the outcomes of those actions. 166. A truly wise man knows about himself, his weaknesses and limits, and has the power to master or control himself.Dr T.P.Chia 167. Nature, the master manager of complexity, offers priceless guidance in handling messy, counterintuitive webs. 168. Don't be the slave of a negative character. Be the master of a positive character.Dr T.P.Chia 169. Your character is the master of your destiny. The combined weight of a steadfast character, positive values and human strengths contributes to a great destiny. The influence of a defective character, negative values and human weaknesses leads to a messy destiny.Dr T.P.Chia 170. They amalgamated under him as mineral master general in 1709-10. 171. Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves. 172. If thou are a master, be sometimes blind; if a servant, sometimes deaf.Thomas Fuller 173. No man is free who is not master of himself.Epictetus 174. From the beginning, they campaigned for the abolition of the old laws on relations between master and servant. 175. Mr. and Mrs. Dawes were the acting master and matron, and they were not universally popular. 176. In order to be the master, the politician poses as the servant.”.Charles de Gaulle 177. A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.John Milton 178. This master curve is typical of those obtained on a number of amorphous polymers and to be found in the literature. 179. Two bed apartments additionally offer dishwasher and en suite shower facilities to master bedrooms. 180. Every master directly addressed only some ten or so assistants, who in turn taught the pupils.