快好知 kuaihz

271. I've had a terrible cold and been shut up in my room for a week. 272. We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth. 273. If you shut me out, how can I help you? 274. She can't spend her whole life shut up in her office. 275. Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres. 276. She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better. 277. You wouldn't be here now if she'd kept her mouth shut. 278. He tried with all his might to open the door but it stayed shut. 279. The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field. 280. He screwed his eyes tight shut against the bright light. 281. His eyes were shut and he seemed to have fallen asleep. 282. She kept the windows shut , for fear of burglars. 283. He did have pension money coming to him when the factory shut down. 284. She tried to keep the door shut but the man forced it open . 285. You beg him to try just one spoonful, and he clamps his mouth shut. 286. We all knew that to win we'd have to shut down Bobby Mitchell. 287. I had to shave a few millimetres off the door to make it shut. 288. Half the time you go around with your eyes shut. 289. Was there any need to keep us shut up here? 290. She had shut out two of her first four Wimbledon opponents by identical 6-0, 6-0 scores. 291. You must shut the gas supply off if there's a leak. 292. I wish our friend at the next table would shut up. 293. It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital. 294. Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains.