快好知 kuaihz

151. The gates are always kept shut. 152. He shut himself away to pray in solitude. 153. The gate sprang shut behind them. 154. Some people just don't know when to shut up. 155. I shut my office up and went for lunch. 156. Shut up or I'll bash your brains in! 157. Will somebody for God's sake shut that alarm off. 158. He shut himself in his room and wrote letters. 159. I shut the door noiselessly behind me. 160. "Shut the window, please." "Right you are! 161. The lid shut with a snap. 162. She shut out memories of James. 163. The lid of the box sprang shut. 164. Would you shut the window, please? 165. The gates clanged shut behind her. 165.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 166. The window slammed shut with a loud bang. 167. Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash. 168. He shut the drawer and turned the key. 169. I wish someone would shut off that car alarm. 170. He demanded £2000 to keep his mouth shut. 171. Can I trouble you to shut the door? 172. Her parents shut her in an upstairs room. 173. The window frame was swollen shut. 174. Shut your mouth, nobody asked you! 175. The metal door rang as it slammed shut. 176. The government wants to shut the refugees out. 177. OK, wise guy, shut up and listen! 178. Shut up, the lot of you! 179. Shut the jewels up in the safe. 180. Quivering with rage she slammed the door shut.