ending造句61. 'Yours sincerely' is a formal way of ending a letter.
62. I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit contrived.
63. It's your turn to do the table. Do is often used with nouns ending -ing:to do the shopping/cleaning/ironing/vacuuming.
64. What are the chances of a marriage ending in divorce?
65. The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.
66. To make the plural of 'dog', you add the plural ending '-s'.
67. I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame.
68. Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.
69. There is a gradual build-up of suspense throughout the film, until it comes to an unexpected ending.
70. He did not have the courage to tell Nicola that he was ending their affair.
71. So far little progress has been made towards ending the fighting.
72. The ending of the war is not a cause for celebration, but rather for regret that it ever happened.
73. The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending occasioned by divorce.
74. The news about the war ending swept through the whole country.
75. Ending a relationship is always hard but in this case it's definitely for the best.
76. A happy ending is only possible because the hero has first vanquished the dragons.
77. The company admits it will make a loss for the year ending September.
78. The union finally agreed to go to arbitration as a way of ending the strike.
79. This is a happy ending to a rather sad story.
80. The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to be heading for deadlock.
81. Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.
82. A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable mawkish ending.
83. Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass.
84. Sadly, there was no fairytale happy ending to the story.
85. The meal was the perfect ending to a great weekend.
86. The two sides have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at ending the conflict.
87. Ending negotiations was seen as a bold stroke by many commentators.
88. The ending of the film is a cop-out-the director didn't really want to face up to the racial issues involved.
89. The company has managed to stay in the black for the year ending December 31.
90. There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.