ending造句151. The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.George Orwell
152. It is a happy but open ending, as the young couple, like most others, face an uncertain future.
153. The batch screen options could be displayed by entering a week ending date.
154. The identity of the killer is revealed in the movie's climactic ending.
155. This was the last bastion of the Hooper empire, cloth manufacture ending in 1934.
156. Within a few days of term ending, the Roberts travelled by bus to Heathrow.
157. Grueneberg thought it was just a nerve ending.
158. The total of all costs in beginning inventories and all costs charged to work in process must be accounted for as cost of ending work - in - process plus cost of goods transferred out.
159. Do not make a bad start turn into a self fulfilling prophecy for a bad ending.
159.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
160. On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending World War I.
161. The ending Modbus register address in a register test range.
162. Full-bodied with a more complex, rich mouth-feel, ending with a beautifully balanced array of fine, rich tannins.
163. Truffaut once wrote, And although Antoine ultimately returns to Christine, the ending of the movie is notable unromantic .