快好知 kuaihz

151. These are precious jewels beyond compare. 152. Their demands are beyond all reason. 153. The latch was just beyond her reach. 154. Their relationship had gone beyond friendship. 155. It's beyond me why she wants to marry Geoff. 156. His horizons didn't stretch beyond his next night out. 157. Those remarks he made were quite beyond the pale. 158. Few people live beyond the age of a hundred. 159. I knew nothing beyond a few random facts. 160. Her work has improved beyond measure . 161. There's a small inclination beyond the trees. 162. His bad behavior is beyond a joke. 163. His beautiful paintings were beyond price. 164. Fred owns nothing beyond the clothes on his back. 165. Some things are beyond human contrivance. 166. Her matchless beauty is beyond description. 167. Land was still out of sight beyond the horizon. 168. The discussion went beyond the compass of my brain. 169. Beyond this marginal fringe no agriculture is possible. 170. The road continues beyond the village up into the hills. 171. The effects of this policy spread far beyond children now at school. 172. It will be sterilized when it is beyond the limit to its storage life. 173. Parapsychology is the study of abilities that go beyond what is natural and normal. 174. She drove through Westport, and stopped a few miles beyond at a wayside inn. 175. The event has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control. 176. An earthquake in the city could result in deaths beyond number. 177. A successful outcome is not beyond the realms of possibility. 178. What changes await us in the coming year and beyond? 179. Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return. 180. The doctor said that the old man is beyond medical help and will soon die.