快好知 kuaihz

181. The fame to which he aspires was beyond his reach. 182. Jim's father got beyond running the business on his own,and employed someone to help him at busy times. 183. 'The underdog syndrome' is a belief that things are beyond your control. 184. His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution. 185. The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease. 186. Property in the city is beyond the purchasing power of most people. 187. The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman. 188. This is beyond all dispute the best book on the subject. 189. I used to think he was funny, but his behaviour has now gone way beyond a joke. 190. It is beyond belief that anyone could commit such a crime. 191. Two blocks beyond our school was a field where boys played football. 192. The shelf is so high it is well out of / beyond my reach. 193. The financing of home ownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond. 194. We can make plans for the next year, but who can tell what lies beyond that? 195. Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter. 196. Although he had only rehearsed the part a few times, he carried it off beyond all expectations. 197. They're paying 75000 for a small flat it's beyond belief! 198. Your teasing of the new typist has got beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it. 199. Judge Ian Starforth Hill said the jury's task was "beyond the realms of possibility" and ordered a retrial. 200. In days to come it may be possible to travel beyond the Solar System. 201. We have established beyond all reasonable doubt that the painting was indeed by Rembrandt. 202. After another incident at the weekend, the club's reputation for violence is beyond redemption. 203. The key was on a high shelf, just beyond her grasp. 204. Mr Stevens' appointment was a typical case of promoting a man beyond his level of competence. 205. More and more shops on the main street downtown keep open beyond midnight. 206. Due to circumstances beyond/outside our control, we cannot land here. 207. They had fled to America, and were beyond the grasp of their enemies. 208. It's beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life. 209. He bought it for a price that was far beyond its real value. 210. Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension .