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31. Squid, also weigh squid, calamary . 32. Export California squid and ribbon fish to China market. 33. Study on the processing technology of instant shredded squid. 34. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute has released this video of the vampire squid to emphasize a report that raises a red flag about the earth's oceans. 35. Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole. 36. Like many invertebrates, squid appear limp and squishy—but once they get a grip on you, they're incredibly powerful. 37. Both the squid and the octopus move via jet propulsion, which is pretty awesome. 38. Traditionally the squid have been found mostly in the warm waters of Mexico's Gulf of California (see a Mexico map). 39. An approach to measure biomagnetic field by using a SQUID second order gradiometer has been explored. 40. The sperm whale therefore has to look for the squid using sound waves. 41. Dried fish, dried squid, shells, sea cucumbers, shelled shrimp, dried sea snake, agar, and others. 42. Squid, scallops, live abalone, kelp, offshore tuna, yellow fish oil are several advantages of the species. 43. It is the creepy-crawlies that are out there in really big numbers; almost 40 per cent of identified marine species are crustaceans and molluscs – things like crabs, shrimp, squid and sea-snails. 44. Although magnetocardiography (MCG) signal is gained using SQUID in shielding rooms, measuring errors inevitably exist in its measuring process. 45. Swiss-style Barbecue Olio Beef, Chicken, Pork, Prawn, Squid, Pineapple and Rice. 46. Like the Prince of Darkness himself, the squid is almost impossible to kill. 47. Sea cucumber, maw, squid must be made transparent to the soft. 48. An alien-like squid with "elbows" is caught on video, the world's biggest atom smasher fires up, and unknown "structures" are detected tugging at our universe, and more. 49. We had fish fillet congee with squid , fried clam and vegetables and a total satisfaction. 50. It started with sea urchin floating in a soya and seafood flavoured stock, moved on to delicate prawn balls, then squid and red snapper, and crab that we cooked ourselves on red-hot river stones. 51. Some unknown factors in natural diets such as bloodworm and squid may also play an important role in stimulating maturation through the endocrine system. 52. Hey, you wanna add squid ink to the nori powder to make it blacker? 53. Zoology An elongated, flexible, unsegmented extension, as one of those surrounding the mouth or oral cavity of the squid, used for feeling, grasping, or locomotion . 54. In fact, scientists from Milan, Italy have shown that tissues may exhibit the same Josephson effect that is the basis for the SQUID magnetometer. 55. Objective To assess the food safety of the squid nucleoprotein derived from squid spermary as natural functional composition in health food. 56. This menacing looking squid is just one of many species "out of sight and out of mind" that could be threatened by human activities far away from the part of the ocean in which they live. 57. An opalescent squid uses its giant eyes to navigate the nighttime waters around Papua New Guinea. 58. Squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) from Northern Pacific, its muscle of body changes in shrink, weight, moisture and total nitrogen were studied when it was heated in boiling water. 59. Scientists noted a potential threat to hake fisheries when an unusual influx of Humboldt squid along the Pacific coast received widespread media attention in the spring. 60. The only enemy of the giant squid seems to be the sperm whale.