快好知 kuaihz

241) In consequence, the author, the reader, the characters and the text, sharing limited freedom, are indispensable roles in reading and writing The Magus . 242) Consequently, it is indispensable to analyze the inner and outer environmental conditions of the Grid Company and stipulate for the sustainable developing strategy. 243) Project post - evaluation is indispensable information feedback and control tache in the project management cycle. 244) Famous painting Dingzhou mixed vegetable tofu brick road is indispensable. 245) Irrespective of any aesthetic difference among people, it's an indisputable truth that Lin Fengmian is a publicly-recognized and indispensable master of fine arts in the 20th century. 246) In addition, the support of comintern is also an indispensable external reason. 247) What needs to be mentioned is that in order to store up all kinds of information, including the fact that you are dead, a normally-functioning pallium is indispensable. 248) Honesty and faithfulness is not only a person's external behavior of thinking, but also a kind of indispensable intangible assets for existing in society. 249) Short-term load forecasting for industrial corporations is indispensable to them when it comes to units combination, power transportation and load attemperation. 250) Although the route database of bus systems are indispensable in a monitor routine, the traditional methods of special process can not deal with these datum efficiently. 251) The institution of civil conservatory an indispensable and crucial system in civil action. 252) Electric - machine conversion component is indispensable of the control system of the electric liquid. It transforms the electric signal into mechanical mete - force(moment) and displacement. 253) Only in the pole axis theory, do the point and the line become the endogenetic variable and they form the two indispensable factors of constructing spatial structure. 254) Computer Aided Engineering ( CAE ) has become indispensable analysis and optimization technology. 255) Since the German logician Gottlob Frege introduced logics at the end of the 19th century, the presupposition theory has become an indispensable part of logics. 256) The repair of DNA lesions that occur endogenously or in response to diverse genotoxic stresses is indispensable for genome integrity. 257) Vertical lime kiln is the indispensable equipment for alumina sintering production process. 258) Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and ones abilities. It is extremely important for all to be self-confident as it is the indispensable condition to their success. 259) Firebug: This plug-in for Firefox is an indispensable tool when working with Ajax applications. 260) The double Stocky energy barrier is the indispensable factor for non-linear character of ZnO varistor. 261) It is in reality the application of a range of electronic test tools indispensable. 262) Sometimes a strict regulation is indispensable to penalize unpunctuality due to the inertia of people. 263) In modem manufacturer information system ( MIS ), printing is an indispensable part. 264) Synchronization has always been an indispensable part of multi-threaded programs while accessing a common resource, and logging is no exception. 265) Indeed, the literary theorists' interpretation, i. e. the study of textual mechanisms, is indispensable for the development of literary study as a discipline. 266) In essence, social security right have five legal characteristics of the citizens' basic rights: indispensable, non-fungible, non-assignable, stable, and maternal for human beings. 267) The smartphone operation system is indispensable to the operation of the software environment. 268) Conclusion: Sometimes a strict regulation is indispensable to penalize unpunctuality due to the inertia of people. 269) Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. 270) Nowadays, the cold light source of xenon lamp has become indispensable and important part in operations.