快好知 kuaihz

1. Many teachers wish to abolish the cane. 2. Some MPs want to abolish the tax altogether. 3. The government is planning to abolish subsidies to farmers. 4. Do abolish this kind of bad evil. 5. The government ought to abolish the tax altogether. 6. The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder. 7. Can you abolish the Department of Agriculture? 8. They propose to abolish the House of Lords. 8.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 9. We will abolish museum charges for school parties. 10. Mandela fought to abolish white-only rule in South Africa. 11. It is better to begin abolishing serfdom from above than to wait for it to begin to abolish itself from below. 12. We must abolish the green currency system and the MCAs altogether. 13. The new contracts would also abolish the current 12-month redundancy notice. 14. The solution is to abolish drug patents and publicly fund medical research, thus entirely removing the profit consideration. 15. No. 177, 1989, proposed to abolish manslaughter by gross negligence. 16. We will abolish the poll tax Labour will abolish the poll tax immediately. 17. Abolish the present inheritance tax and make recipients pay on gifts above a certain band as income. 18. Just wait until we propose to abolish their pensions to save money. 19. Why will not the Government abolish the 20 percent. rule? 20. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. 21. Having already limited local taxation, why not go the whole hog and abolish it completely? 22. He argued that it was not practical politics to abolish private schools. 23. All were in this sense brethren and capable through redemption of striving to abolish sin. 24. At the same time it amended the republic's constitution to abolish the guaranteed Communist Party monopoly of power. 25. The 1787 Constitution, however liberal in tone, did not actually abolish slavery. 26. I was disgusted by the whole idea of class and thought I could abolish it by pretending it didn't exist. 27. On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided. 28. If the primary object of penal reformers is not to abolish prisons it is certainly to secure reductions in prison population. 29. After the death of Asbury, the Methodists in 1816 adopted a report that admitted they were powerless to abolish the evil. 30. And he laid out welfare measures that he would put in place if Congress and the president abolish the current federal system.