快好知 kuaihz

31. As that is so expensive to collect, why not abolish it now? 32. The first Act to abolish Chantries, in 1545, had lapsed before it could take effect. 33. A first move is to abolish the national insurance ceiling on contribution. 34. The only trouble was that under questioning it became clear that one of his central aims was to abolish mortgage tax relief. 35. Was the pressure to abolish serfdom and slavery then economic? 36. One of its main decisions was to abolish the school's head boy and girl system. 37. Like they could not wait to abolish her conveniences and idiosyncrasies. 38. It is necessary to abolish this distorting influence on the labour market. 39. Names and addresses Two white papers on further and higher education included a proposal to abolish the distinction between universities and polytechnics. 40. There, the first step was to abolish the agency, with the expectation that competitive markets would then develop. 41. It asked governments to abolish nuclear bombs, and wished for the strengthening of the United Nations. 42. The bill would abolish the distinction between domestic and international banning orders. 43. The other, much more risky, is to abolish this anti-reform parliament altogether, and call for new elections. 44. There is no need to abolish the privilege entirely in order to obtain occasional evidence of criminality. 45. He then served on committees to set up a republican government and abolish kingship and the House of Lords. 46. The Bill to abolish the Scheme was meanwhile being rushed through Parliament, and a fresh ballot was needed for the strike. 47. The only department which explicitly escapes unscathed is the one which Conservatives would most like to abolish: the Department of Energy. 48. It is therefore not unlikely that before long Parliament may abolish the ultravires rule in company law altogether. 49. They carried away from him the observation that only women could abolish slavery. 50. One delegate likened Mr Gummer's motion to abolish subsidies on agricultural production to turkeys voting for Christmas. 51. Although liberal in tone , the 1787 Constitution did not abolish slavery. 52. He would even abolish all state and local tariffs except property and sin taxes. 53. The centre actively campaigns to abolish blood sports and cares for sick foxes. 54. It was suspected that he wished to abolish slavery, to found schools, to build roads and to modernize the country. 55. Symington can wave good-bye to his plan to abolish income taxes. 56. Laurent Fabius, the Socialist president of the parliament, urged Mr Jiang to abolish the death penalty. 57. Will he take steps to abolish standing charges or is he the Scrooge of the 1990s? 58. He had learned, he told his audience, that rumours have spread among you of my intention to abolish serfdom. 59. Shall we soon abolish death and refer to some one dead as having a life problem? 60. Why do not the Government abolish the whole damn lot and give the people a free run for Christmas?