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91. Rupture disks relieve overpressure in cylinders that may result from external fire or from overfilling. 92. Hernia Lumber Disc refers to a group of symptoms and body signs caused by pressure and stimulation to spinal marrow or nerve root due to fibrous ring rupture and pulpiform nucleus protrusion. 93. The fusible alloy will prevent the disk from rupture if it remains in place. 94. Pertinent physical findings were hemotympanum, bloody otorrhea, tympanic membrane rupture , and CSF otorrhea. 95. The rupture of corroded defects is the primary failure of pipelines. 96. Conclusion Ligament reconstruction was better than ligament repair in the treatment of rupture of collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint. 97. From 1964 to 1982, 16 cases of achilles tendon rupture were encountered. 98. Insulator rupture has no effect on tower component of upper crossarm, but it has significant influence on insulator tension of upper crossarm. 99. Stage II. Rupture of anterior tibiofibular ligament and interosseous ligament. 100. Does ankle ligament rupture how is rehabilitation training done after the operation? 101. It is known that during exhaustive exercise free radicals may even rupture complete muscle cells as components of these can be detected in the blood (Vina et al. 102. A 13 - year - old boy with rupture of retroperitoneal teratoma due to blunt abdominal trauma is presented. 103. The pivot rupture has also seriously harmed the social prestige of this tipper production factory. 104. Intrahepatic splenosis resulted from splenic rupture or splenic surgery and only a few cases have been reported in the English literature. 105. Besides, the underground construct of this area is also very complicated, and the rupture system in mid-shallow layer is developed owing to Dongying center apophysis. 106. Infections are typically self-limited and will either spontaneously rupture and drain or be absorbed within 1-2 weeks. 107. During rapid decompression, the consequences of pulmonary overinflation can cause alveolar rupture leading arterial gas embolism. 108. Conclusion Late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section may occur beyond puerperium and the main cause is rupture of incision. 109. Rupture is much better than eviscerate, even without the glyph. 110. We report a case of delayed splenic rupture complicated by splenic abscess following a flank injury leading to hemoperitoneum in a 45-year-old man. 111. Pneumoceles may occur suddenly, presumably by a trap-valve mechanism or by rupture of a large mucocele. 112. Sichuan 2 class site is cut reach 4, capital catenary appears rupture, circulating fund deficient. 113. Objective To evaluate the accuracy of ultrasonographic diagnosis for central slip rupture of the finger extensor tendon mechanism of the proximal interphalangeal joint. 114. Gas cylinders are protected from rupture due to fire by a frangible disc sometimes backed by a fusible metal with a melting temperature of about 212F(100C). 115. Note the rupture of the periosteal sleeve and complete rupture of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments. 116. It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture. 117. John BC, John FE . Delayed diagnosis of duodenal rupture. Am J Surg 1996 ; 168:676 - 679. 118. The granules of decidua granulocytes reduced or even disappeared, together with disintegration or even rupture of the reticular fibers. 118. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 119. It is discovered that the direct ring rupture channel is the main pathway during the thermal decompositions of the four tetrazole derivatives. 120. More than that, he had snatched the British Far Eastern bases, and was now sucking British units toward India to head off the final rupture of the Empire.