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151. He recalls a mother in her late 20s who came to him because she had an inoperable defect in her aorta that would rupture at some undeterminable time in the future, killing her instantly. 152. A new technique is described for safety-valve on-line testing in which out-source gas is introduced into the cavity enclosed by the valve plug and rupture disk. 153. It can cause severe complications, such as brain ischemia or cervical hematorrhea incurred by rupture of aneurysm. 154. In extreme cases there may be rupture of solid particles during the laundering. 155. Subsequently, torsion to the fibula causes rupture of the anterior tibiofibular ligament, followed by rupture of the interosseous ligament (fig. 2A). 156. Objective: To study the relationship between bacterial vaginopathy(BV) and premature rupture of membrane(PROM). 157. At some point, said Ross S. Stein, a geophysicist with the geological survey, "the stress overwhelms that friction, " and a rupture occurs. 158. Results Ureteral perforation, ureterostoma injury, ureteral submucosa pseudocanal, ureteral rupture, and avulsed ureter injury were found in 3, 2, 3, 1, and 1 patients, respectively. 159. Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of esophagus rupture complicated with hydropneumothorax. 160. Conclusion Causes of evisceration of eyeball after ocular trauma were sever eyeball rupture, endophthalmitis and complications of ocular trauma. 161. The Scientific Epistemology of Althusser: From " Duration " to " Rupture " 162. Objective To investigate the effect of iliotibial tract transposition for repairing of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) traumatic rupture. 163. Objective To conclude the method and experience of reconstruction of Achilles tendon rupture with peroneus longus tendon transfer. 164. Conclusion. We have reported for the first time, that an alkaptonuria patient showed thoracic myelopathy caused by rupture of a thoracic intervertebral disc. 165. Transverse rupture strength, Rockwell A hardness, magnetic saturation induction and magnetic coercivity of samples sintered in vacuum or by sinter-HIP were measured. 166. Objective To observe the effects of intravenous injection with phloroglucinol plus artificial rupture of fetal membranes on stages of labor. 167. One should consider the possibility of a rupture of the gluteus medius muscle when a patient presents with a limp, pain, and weakness after total hip arthroplasty. 168. Objective To study bacterial condition in amniotic cavity of premature rupture of membrane and intact fetal membrane in third trimester. 169. The major complications were posterior capsule rupture, iris injury, corneal edema. 170. Objective To evaluate the surgical method and results of the treatment of chronic rupture of the Achilles tendon using V Y tendinous flap. 171. Conclusions It is should be noted that the SAH after head trauma, especially in the basal cistern or Sylvian fissure, is probably produced by the rupture of intracranial aneurism. 172. Yeast dough here is bread dough before it is baked. It can stretch a dog's stomach and cause severe pain or even rupture the dog's abdomen and intestines. 173. In such circumstances, it is no longer fanciful to imagine that this unique experiment in supranational governance could yet rupture. 174. Isolated cases of acute myocardial infarction, and its complications, such as cerebral embolization, ventricular aneurysm, and ventricular septal rupture, have been reported. 175. The leakage from the crack is one of causes for reinforced concrete rupture, and the unstable crack is difficult to be treated for its unstability. 176. Fat cells of carbon chain rupture, can be part of the enzyme androgens and other material into estrogen. 177. There were ovarian cyst in 4, ovarian teratoma in 7, malignant ovarian cyst in 1, corpus luteum rupture in 3, imperforate hymen in 2, pelvic inflammation in 2 and primary dysmenorrhea 1. 178. Method The clinical data of 26 cases with latent rupture of sclera were retrospectively reviewed. 179. Conclusions Early ligament repair in rupture of ICL leads to satisfactory treatment outcome. 180. Cylinders over 65 use a combination device consisting of a rupture disk backed by a fusible alloy.