快好知 kuaihz

(31) Being poor is no disgrace. (32) The filthy streets are a disgrace to the town. (33) Republican leaders called him a disgrace to the party. (33) Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! (34) These slums are a disgrace to the city. (35) The state of our roads is a national disgrace. (36) Your homework is an absolute disgrace. (37) Her son's disgrace broke her heart. (38) The state of our hospitals is a national disgrace. (39) Your homework is a disgrace: rewrite it! (40) She was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace. (41) There's no disgrace in being poor. (42) His crime had brought disgrace upon his whole family. (43) Her silly mistake drew on her disgrace. (44) He is a disgrace to our school. (45) This room is an absolute disgrace ! (46) You're a disgrace - what a way to behave! (47) It's a disgrace that they are paid so little. (48) Toranaga sent us away in disgrace. (49) Three families living in one room - it's a disgrace! (50) It's an absolute disgrace, the way he treats his wife. (51) He brought disgrace on the whole team by falsifying the results. (52) He's in disgrace for having left his room in a mess. (53) He has brought shame and disgrace on the whole family. (54) That sort of behaviour is a disgrace to the legal profession. (55) You have brought shame and disgrace on yourself and your family. (56) I think the way she's been treated is a downright disgrace. (57) Doctors like that are a disgrace to our hospitals and all the medical workers at that. (58) It's a bloody disgrace that some war widows don't get a decent pension. (59) The way the sales were handled was a complete disgrace. (60) We shall think it no disgrace for you.