快好知 kuaihz

(121) When we have lost everything, including hope, life becomes a disgrace, and death a duty.W.C. Fields (122) She avoided Methodist meetings, however, fearing that she would be a disgrace to her brother. (123) It is capital crime, and a black disgrace to the races of civilized mankind. (124) There are times when to quit is more reasonable and decent and hanging on is a disgrace. (125) They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority; such bad manners would disgrace the clan. (126) I was a credit to the family and I was a disgrace to it. (127) To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace.Confucius (128) My constituents have had to pay an additional £44.75 per adult because of that incompetence, and that is a disgrace. (129) A different man for every child; a byword for disgrace. (130) And what we got to put up with is a disgrace. (131) It was the first time an American president resigned in disgrace. (132) All he had done was scream abuse at her, accusing her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family. (133) Opinion polls point to a spectacular comeback, seven years after he tumbled from the premiership in disgrace. (134) I was having a spell as a civilian after leaving the Territorial Army in mild disgrace. (135) This is no disgrace, to cook up beans and cornbread and make it last. (136) It was no disgrace to a great nobleman to serve even in a junior capacity in a good regiment. (137) The national airline is a disgrace. (138) There's no disgrace in being a love child. (139) I'm afraid poor Barbary will disgrace herself. (140) She has brought disgrace upon womankind. (141) Can even our Ministers sustain a more humiliating disgrace? (142) Venal judges are a disgrace to a country. (143) He was in disgrace after his ungentlemanly behavior. (144) Colleges are third-rate and should be a national disgrace. (145) To become a concubine - what a disgrace. (146) Traditionally, an unmarried woman was considered a disgrace because the family would miss out on establishing social relationships with other clans. (147) It is to know honor and disgrace and bear oneself that can promote the moral conscience. (148) All the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced; they will go off into disgrace together. (149) You care for nothing but dogs, shooting, and rat-catching. (1) You will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family. (150) If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disgrace to your parents.