快好知 kuaihz

31. This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities. 32. Thousnds of rivers separate us and thousands of mountains are boundless.l can only trust my missing to cloud, may you find a happy life and come back with a successful study earlier. 33. Oil and water don't mix. Even if you shake them together they separate into two layers. 34. After twelve years, he decided to separate from the firm. 35. It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture. 36. Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering. 37. The art department and the main college are in two separate buildings. 38. We each have a separate bedroom but share a communal kitchen. 39. The boxers clinched and the referee had to separate them. 40. Write a list of names on a separate piece of paper. 41. They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal. 42. The oil and water will separate out if the mixture is left standing. 43. I have never suggested that UN forces could physically separate the combatants in the region. 44. Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it and separate out the different elements, such as benzene. 45. Keep the fish separate from the other food. 46. It is impossible to separate belief from emotion. 47. She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. 48. We'll organize this business into two separate companies. 49. There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers. 50. A company is a separate legal entity. 51. The gym and the sauna are in separate buildings. 52. Separate the good meat from the bad. 53. After much heart-searching they decided to separate. 54. I've always kept my private and professional life separate. 55. My husband and I have separate accounts. 56. There should be no contact between the separate samples. 57. Oil and water always separate out. 58. Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones. 59. You can't separate morality from politics. 60. Do you have a separate line for your modem?