快好知 kuaihz

31. Her emotional life was thrown into turmoil. 32. Damages may be awarded for emotional injury. 33. The movie closes with an emotional reunion in Prague. 34. Don't be so emotional about everything! 35. They admired his gutsy and emotional speech. 36. Emotional people don't stop to calculate. 37. A secure environment is the seedbed of emotional growth. 38. This is a very emotional time for me. 39. She is embarrassingly emotional in public. 40. She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity. 41. He tends to get emotional on these occasions. 42. Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure. 43. The prize winner gave an emotional acceptance speech. 44. My emotional turmoil had drained me. 45. He gave her the emotional security she needed. 46. Nurses usually try to avoid emotional involvement with patients. 47. He was in a very emotional state. 48. I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony. 49. He's an emotional cripple . 50. Often there are emotional reasons paralleling the financial ones. 51. Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma. 52. Abortion is a very emotional issue . 53. Their relationship was an emotional roller coaster. 54. This is an emotional scene in the play. 55. The attack had left her an emotional wreck. 56. Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress. 57. Sometimes emotional problems might lead to serious results. 58. She is always assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity. 59. Marriage, however, is an emotional seesaw. 60. He sees religion as an emotional crutch.