快好知 kuaihz

121. We find children's emotional needs difficult to respond to because we are habituated to disregarding our own. 122. The skin is an accurate barometer of emotional and physical health. 123. She lacks emotional stability. 124. What is missing from the production is any sense of emotional commitment. 125. I've been on an emotional roller-coaster since I've been here. 126. She's invested a lot of emotional energy in that business. 127. It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants? 128. Mr Nicholas made his emotional plea for help in solving the killing. 129. We all carry a lot of emotional baggage around with us. 130. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom. 131. Playing an instrument can be a form of emotional release. 132. The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. 133. What the hell do I want with an emotional retard? 134. Nausea and tiredness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional pain she was feeling. 135. Women experience many emotional and physical changes during the menopause. 136. Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. 137. My doctor said the problem was more emotional than physical. 138. She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage. 139. You are currently in a muddle where financial and emotional concerns are tangled together. 140. He spends every lunchtime pouring out his emotional problems to me and expects me to find a solution. 141. Some students unburden themselves of emotional problems that faculty members feel ill equipped to handle. 142. Other daughters, faced with their mother's emotional hunger, pull away. 143. He made the emotional journey back to the house he grew up in. 144. His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children. 145. He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job. 146. There may be some deep-seated emotional reason which has to be dealt with before your eating habits normalize. 147. Being back with their family should provide emotional stability for the children. 148. She is a physically well-developed teenager with the emotional and mental level of a four-year-old. 149. Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees. 150. Laughter is man's most distinctive emotional expression.Margaret Mead