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31. But the very act of liberals accentuating the positive is what is likely to intrigue political scientists, historians and economists. 32. Later she turned to Romantic Suspense of the thriller variety, specializing in tales of international crime, espionage, and intrigue. 33. The world of politics is a world of deception and intrigue. 34. The picture that emerges is one of muddle, intrigue, greed and occasionally altruism. 35. Controversy, intrigue, the literary spilling of blood is the very stuff of the Guitarist letters page. 36. Failure to do so can easily make the consultant a victim of political intrigue. 37. Mike looked at me appreciatively; he lived in the hope of intrigue. 38. Alarmed, Mei-ling and Ei-ling initiated a subtle intrigue designed to keep Stilwell in place. 39. The intrigue, if one existed, was worthy of the inner circle of the Imperial court on far distant Knossos. 40. For one thing, the memoirs of several surviving actors in the drama have appeared with compelling new details of the intrigue. 41. A novel of international intrigue in which Grace goes to Stockholm in response to a cryptic message from her sister, Willa. 42. What I did not anticipate was that this would prove to be a matter as much of intrigue and scandal as of science. 43. Only after a web of intrigue has been broken are the true culprits revealed. 44. There, during the war, the Allies were caught up in a jumble of intrigue, political romanticism and oriental exoticism. 45. Politics, intrigue, and action characterize this contemporary novel set in New York. 45.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 46. Observers of the seven-month trial are left wondering who edited out the intrigue. 47. Neville Chamberlain wrote that the Cabinet was a nest of intrigue, which was, considering everything, an understatement. 48. Nor was she forced out by the men in grey suits - though intrigue played a major role. 49. Parys had been suspended after alleging on April 6 that politicians were planning to involve army officers in political intrigue. 50. The Board of Health was disbanded in 1858 amid a welter of political intrigue and orchestrated opposition. 51. The Jesuit position was not, however, simply a matter of political intrigue. 52. Bormann's intrigue had fallen through this time. 53. She was greedy for intrigue. 54. The king's younger brother took part in the intrigue. 55. Court officials will intrigue against the royal family. 56. The shapes of clouds intrigue me. 57. The city was known as a hotbed of intrigue. 58. He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue. 59. Intrigue against each other is quotidian in every company. 60. "The Golden Lotus" lays a strong emphasis on how the wife and concubines of Qing Ximen's intrigue against each other at swords' points.