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151. To establish the preventive maintenance program of production equipment in OPC. 152. There is no correlation between the preventive reaction of Chinese herbs on the abnormity of cytomorphology of neurocyte and the changes of EPO contents in the cortex of telencephalon . 153. OBJECTIVE To explore the preventive management of postoperative fungal infection in hepatobiliary surgery. 154. View on the Corrostion and perforation of Liquefier, analyse the reason , consider that the water contain in chlorine has overproofed , the raise the preventive measure. 155. Conclusion Pertinent to those correlation factors of incurrence of algor, preventive nursing measures man lower the rate of algor. 156. Objective To observe the preventive effect of early postoperative hypoxemia in aged patients with oxygenator by intravenous oxygen delivery. 157. The main failure reasons of the inserts of cemented carbide forming tool in machining are analyzed, and the corresponding preventive measures are presented. 158. "You can't control radiation. It's already there, but you can take preventive action (by not consuming any radioactive food that is tainted with iodine-131 for 80 days), " Deb said. 159. For effectively controlling equipment failure in production system to cut down equipment failure, the issues related to preventive maintenance cycle of productive equipment is studied. 160. Objective To study the clinical results, prognosis and preventive relapse of treatment for chronic limb lymphedema by lymphosuction. 161. As a kind of initiative maintenance, preventive maintenance mainly aims at prolonging service life of medical equipment, extending their fault-free time and lowering the whole life expense. 162. Objective To investigate the causes of hypercarbia after urologic laparoscopic surgery and the preventive and therapeutic strategy. 163. Objective: To summerize the character and the preventive therapeutic methods of transurethral resection syndrome (TURS) during transurethral vaporization of the prostate (TVP). 164. With the development of pedicure preventive health service, problem service quality management occurs.http:// 165. Technical manual for Preventive maintenance of High - grade . 166. The elevator specialist defines how new KONE products can be maintained with KONE MBM preventive maintenance method, and develops corrective maintenance methods together with designers. 167. Huang Hai made detailed about the status and control the roof face and preventive measures? 168. Second part, we bring a preventive maintenance into the above system and consider the replacement policy T, which is based on the age of the system. 169. Objective To analyze operation types of DDH(developmental dislocation of hip)and find the reason and preventive measures of redislocation after operation. 170. The paper analysed main cause and preventive measures of bitumen pavement incipient failure in order to improve its usage quality, to gain better benefit. 171. Leading the Preventive Technical Maintenance Team solution focused systemization of the Maintenance Department. 172. By material and crystal analysis of the swollen and cracked pyrolysis furnace tubes, summarizes reasons for the failure of the tubes, and proposes preventive measures. 173. Corrosion inhibitor RP-49 adding in old dispensation have been chosen, corrosion preventive ability can be improved. 174. Objective To explore the preventive and therapeutic effect salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge on ARDS and its mechanism. 175. The core of prevention mechanism is "prevention goes first", the mechanism includes standardized system, effective preventive measures, scientific management, and good cooperation among departments. 176. In order to observe the effect of ethanol extracts of unmature fructus of Juglans mandshurica Maxim on experimental gastric ulcer in rats and investigate the preventive and curative action . 177. Performs routine preventive inspection and overhaul on plant equipment records the maintenance work on time. 178. Objective To observe the preventive and therapeutic feasibility of heparin calcium injection in rats with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). 179. Through the investigation and analysis of a case of acute occupational trichloromethane poisoning, to put forward preventive measures and prevent the occurrence of similar incidents. 180. With the spectrum of diseases changed, how to teach preventive medicine is a challenge.