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181. The goal of medical belly dancing is to integrate the merits of traditional belly dancing with basic theory of medicine, so one can safely applies it to the field of preventive medicine. 182. Aerobe bacteria in the tissue were major. CONCLUSION Domifen osmotic tablet is one of effective way in preventive medication for the infect of maxillofacial soft tissue. 183. Objective:To investigate the reason of a food-poisoning accidence occured at a cafeteria in order to take preventive measures. 184. Objective To investigate curative effect of tension-free hernioplasty on adults with inguinal hernia, to find the cause and preventive measures for complications occurring after operation. 185. Review all injection machine's preventive maintenance record, in order to sure production more smoothly. 186. Obligation conflict is another case of preventive illegitimacy but not a special act of rescue. 187. Objective:To explore the risk factors of individual and groups of acute diarrheal disease in army during field training, so as to provide bases for making preventive measures. 188. Objective: To study the general rules, characteristics and preventive measures of clinical pyretogenic reactions of infusion.