dairy造句31. Two to three servings low-fat or non-fat dairy foods.
32. Express Dairies, the oldest dairy in London, it said.
33. Mellorine is a frozen dairy dessert.
34. Kale Kale is grown for feeding dairy cattle.
35. In 1986, with the Community still awash with milk, production quotas were imposed on dairy farmers.
36. The good news is that dairy foods, like milk, yogurt and cheese, help protect teeth from cavities.
37. Chapter 2 has touched on food intolerance in the case of dairy produce.
38. Lately, the Northern California-based family-run company has introduced other dairy products to Southern California stores.
39. But it's cattle you should think of in this country, perfect dairy pasture, rich it is.
40. So far John and Jenny Redwood have undertaken their aid work while still running their dairy, arable and fruit farm.
41. However these products tend not to be as rich in calcium as dairy products and red fish.
42. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action.Thich Nhat Hanh
43. For dairy farmers shorter courses were run but travel could still be considerable and some found it very difficult to attend.
44. Two women wheeled the shopping cart into the dairy cooler for safekeeping so the Moes could go have lunch.
45. Mr MacSharry wants to lower milk quotas and to cut guaranteed prices for dairy products, cereals and beef.
46. The prince has just finished a month as a £5-an-hour hand at a West Country dairy farm.
47. If you include dairy foods, use low-fat versions, and only small portions.
48. Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs.
49. The draw to this raffle, which includes cash alternatives, is due to take place at the Dairy Event in September.
50. A prize of nearly £2,000 for top dairy cattle has encouraged a huge entry of 777 animals, bucking downward national trends.
51. Henry carried on the milling and baking side, Thomas was the corn dealer and Edward the dairy man and grocer.
52. Vitamin B12 is found in dairy products, and a number of cereals and yeast extracts, such as Marmite.
53. As any dairy farmer can attest, this is a procedure that quickly becomes pointless.
54. Eat two or three servings from the dairy group per day.
55. The dairy produced over 1500 tonnes of butter per year.
56. Left alone in the dairy for a moment, he asks her whether she ever walks out alone.
57. To offset the perception that dairy foods are high in calories, low-fat cheeses have become state-of-the-art.
58. Much of it is intensively managed grassland carrying a heavy stocking of dairy cattle.
59. The house, dairy, farm buildings, walled garden and orchard show what life there was like eighty years ago.
60. No oil, dairy products or sweeteners are added so the principle of slow rise will prevail.