快好知 kuaihz

181. Young says there's a dairy farmer nearby who wants a water test, too. 182. The roles of Leuconostoc in fermented dairy products were summarized based on citrate-metabolization, aroma-forming compounds and cheese-accelerated ripening. 183. In this research, HE dyeing and TEM ultramicrotomy were applied for the study on the microstructure and ultrastructure of dairy goat mammary gland. 184. Some of the best sources of these friendly bacteria are cultured dairy products – like yogurt and kefir. 185. The experiment would provide cytological evidence for the early diagnosis of endometritis in dairy cows. 186. I started a three-week cleanse where I completely eliminated caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, wheat, dairy and red meat from my diet. 187. Being a roustabout was rated the worst, followed by lumberjack , ironworker, dairy farmer and welder, it said. 188. Ice cream : Frozen dairy food. Ice cream is made from Butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavourings. 189. Dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding and poultry breeding are developed in the district. 190. Feel free to consume saturated fats in the form of whole, unpasteurized dairy and you will lose weight. 191. Finally, I returned to Shaoxing with a boxful of artisanal cheeses from Neal's Yard Dairy in London, including the smelliest I could find in the shop. 192. Dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, yeast , wheat, corn, alcohol, color or artificial sweeteners. 193. Recently, with the double-quick growth of dairy products market, Inner Mongolia dairy products industry has gained the rapid development and become one of the important advantage industries. 194. The herdsmen like to eat beef , mutton and dairy products, and drink tea and brick tea. 195. Dairy cows are routinely ground into hamburger and veal calves are often fed antibiotic-laden, unmarketable "waste milk" from dairy cows undergoing treatment for infections. 196. These values suggest that there is little risk of harm to the skeletal system if recommendations to the general population to consume dairy foods are heeded. 197. Last October, for example, they established limits for allowable trace amounts of melamine in dairy products, and tightened quality-control regulations for the dairy industry. 198. Countries seized or banned imports of Chinese dairy products, including processed goods made with milk powder, such as chocolate. 199. Three strains of Leuconostoc were isolated from 98 dairy samples collected from the Hulunber pastoral area. 200. Liu said the parents were hoping to hurt the dairy producer that sold them contaminated milk, but accepted that an out-of-court settlement might also ensue. 201. I still want to know what cow colostrum is doing in the dairy section (you know, the stuff that mothers--of all species--produce before their milk comes in--sorry, don't want to nauseate you!)? 202. A city of southern Minnesota south-southwest of Minneapolis. It is a trade and processing center in a farm and dairy region. Population, 3,477. 203. The partial coalescence of fat in whipped dairy emulsions and the effects of whipping conditions, oil type and absorbed layer of fat on partial coalescence are introduced in this paper. 204. Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry. 205. Conventional animal breeding should be able to meet much of the anticipated doubling of demand for dairy and meat products in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, but this may not be enough. 206. The results showed that the alveolar and ductal epithelial of non -pregnant dairy goats in control period were less than that in experiment period. 207. It is most efficient for dairy effluent irrigation with 70% or 80% of field capacity as lower thresholds of soil moisture. 208. The determining of lipases can predict and control the qualities of raw milk and dairy products. 209. McDonald's said the ice cream in its restaurants in China was untainted, and Kraft said its Oreo cookies did not contain dairy fillings from China. 210. Immunoglobulin G is an important functional component of colostrum, and it's comprehensive research is an important issue for the dairy industry.