possibility造句241. Music publishing companies are always alert to the possibility of signing new songwriting talent.
242. But as the baby boom generation retires, the fund faces the possibility of depletion by 2030.
243. If we cultivate compassion for those who have hurt us, we have the possibility of overcoming our anger,pain, and fear. Compassion is a great medicine.Goldie Hawn
244. The diskette service offers staff the possibility of browsing, searching, and running automated searches based on stored personal-interest profiles.
245. Given the possibility of an anonymous bidder, these things may remain a mystery.
246. Genuine international concern over the possibility of all-out war breaking out was expressed on a number of occasions.
247. And there is the intriguing possibility of a new arrival next season - Joe Montana.
248. Now there exists the real possibility to acquire these aircraft with the added benefit of an instalment purchase plan.
249. For a while it looked like a possibility for national attention.
250. Jean-Francois Lyotard, for one, prefers to see the postmodern as a continuing possibility arising out of the modern.
251. And strict application of the law would deny an addict the possibility of rehabilitation.
252. The government warned about the possibility of future military action.