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91, I remember one feller that came in - a respectable buck, a docker. 92, She hadn't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis. 93, An otherwise respectable middle-aged woman pressed the thing to her bosom and trotted back to her seat, aglow. 94, He is however, a very respectable young Gentleman, and deserves the honor which his Country has bestowed on him. 95, A clever girl, though, Miss Morgan, an Exhibitioner like Francesca and a respectable second-class degree. 96, Her dark green dress with a flounced skirt was of a pleasant and conventional kind, such as respectable young women wore. 97, Steyne Street was a narrow street in a shabby but respectable part of town. 98, Sir Patrick Duffy Is the Minister aware that a respectable reason for high interest rates is the control of inflation? 99, I got the job on the magazine and then the advertising one then. Very respectable and good money. 100, We were respectable Home Counties middle class, but nothing special, nothing to brag about. 101, She bought a long lease on the apartment in quiet and respectable Hahnwald, a leafy and staid suburb of Cologne. 102, Indeed, on a smaller scale, a portfolio of small caps could turn in a very respectable performance. 103, This respectable sum is called the Reward for mutual cooperation. 104, We were a very respectable family and I was the second child. 105, Still, the region holds a respectable position in the information-heavy world. 106, It won converts to socialism by making it respectable, exciting and desirable. 107, With the money he saved, he bought a respectable set of secondhand clothes on Chatham Square. 108, Lebed is a more respectable type of nationalist than Zhirinovsky, but his belief in democracy is hazy. 109, If I could have seen a respectable way to dismiss this appeal I should have been happy to do so. 110, The Massachusetts standing order had learned that it could best keep its official establishment by smuggling in some respectable dissenters. 111, It was dark, and silent, from the outside no different from the respectable family mansions that flanked it. 112, Economic growth is slowing, but should still be a respectable 5 percent this year. 113, Arguments such as this are in principle more respectable than the argument based on sheer, naked incredulity. 114, Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man. 115, If you desire to be happy, you must first ask if you deserve to be happy. If you desire to be respected, you must first make yourself respectable.Dr T.P.Chia 116, We have been left with the ruins of this word after it was applied to grog shops to make them seem respectable. 117, Ashbee, born in 1834, became a successful City businessman, travel writer and respectable family man. 118, The movie theatres were showing well-made and respectable films to a large public that included many of their erstwhile critics. 119, I say my daughter keeps the place respectable by those great iron spectacles she wears. 120, Alongside some respectable advisers, he seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.