快好知 kuaihz

181, What on earth are you doing in a nasty place like Shantytown, you, a respectable darky? 182, My third's cups of tupperware be all one aleak, result on pack and trousers all wet. Tuesday; s member day, Respectable persons of group organise movement. 183, Hereat , to have no to respect adore to dedicate still to highest highly respectable of you! 184, He escape from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one. 185, Many developing countries experienced respectable rates of GNP growth during the 1960 s and 1970 s. 186, We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from. 187, The maids don't think it respectable to dance at "The Flower-de-Luce", ' he explained. 188, His smoking tea went hissing over the " hot coppers " of that respectable veteran. 189, Ultimately, this was a respectful and respectable debut from a man who, lest we forget, has never designed womenswear before. 190, S. team is a respectable opponent and we must spare no effort go. 191, Born into a wealthy family in 1928, he studied to be a doctor, but chose instead the infinitely more rackety and less respectable life of a manga cartoonist. 192, During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly phony gentlemen who appeared respectable. 193, But subterranean suburbia, Dutch - style, is about to become respectable and chic. 194, After the disreputable Hanoverian kings, it was high time the monarchy became more respectable. That was the opinion of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 195, "Politicians, ugly buildings and whores, " growled John Huston in Chinatown. "They all get respectable if they last long enough." 196, The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature. 197, Can struggle for these great causes, and gained arrogant person success, can make a brethren feel la-di-da , should get respectable. 198, As a genre it has become quire respectable in recent years. 199, Capt. Talcott: A civic - minded, very respectable rock and roll star. 200, No one imagined that the apparently respectable business man was really a criminal. 201, Allowing Ad.ly to ghostwrite his tweets "was painful at first, but easier and easier because the products and services are respectable." 202, He went "respectable, " in smuggler parlance, and entered into a risky business venture on Kessel. 203, His father, a trucking company manager, raised Brad and his younger brother and sister to be respectable, church-going folk. 204, The first sex offender I worked with was around 60, well - groomed and respectable - looking. I was 24. 205, Reports of respectable drops in bear metabolic rates during hibernation cheer Eric Hellgren of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, who admits to "a biased viewpoint as a bear biologist." 206, The attractive price and a respectable technical content are well-combined for pleasant picture taking. 207, There exists a very respectable liberal school which does not hate Waterloo. 208, If, on the other hand, our transaction is I/O bound (or perhaps offloads work onto some other server), then we may need to push the concurrency very high to achieve a respectable throughput. 209, Because both puller and rickshaw are quite smart - looking they can still demand a respectable price. 210, The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature. I. I. 45 Chanper V, Volumn I.