快好知 kuaihz

(31) Here are some common services that seem indulgent but are cheaper than you might have thought. (32) Then slowly the Nazarite youth began to incline to the indulgent lifestyle of the neighboring Philistines. (33) After all, the grumbling baby - boomer managers are the same indulgent parents who produced the millennial generation. (34) Greens blamed the plight of spotted owls on loggers ; the loggers blamed unemployment on self - indulgent ornithology. (35) His lordship gave me an indulgent look, and acknowledged my curtsy very graciously. (36) That coinage led to the general castigation of young adults by their elders in that indulgent era as the Me Generation, preoccupied with material gain and "obsessed with self." (37) Zhou, who had first put that idea forward, hid his boredom behind an indulgent smile. (38) Beaven is correct, we are adjusting our rules to meet the Laodicean lifestyle of an indulgent generation, or else our educational leaders do not know what is going on right under their noses. (39) Be a father to him, but be an indulgent father.