快好知 kuaihz

1. For more information, visit our website . 2. A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore. 3. I was searching this history website for something about Alexander the Great. 4. The group launched a website to propagate its ideas . 5. I created a bookmark for my favourite website. 6. Could you post those new flyers on David's website? 7. To find out more, visit our website. 8. Check out our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk. 9. Visit our website for further details. 10. Their website is a good launchpad to other sites. 11. I downloaded a patch from their website. 12. For details visit our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk. 13. A website need not cannibalise existing sales. 14. The magazine's website is easy to navigate. 15. Responses will be posted on the Website . 16. Prestel's website provides good coverage of the subject. 17. Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online. 18. Welcome to my new website!It may not look much at the moment, but great oaks from little acorns grow! 19. Their website is fairly plain, but very easy to navigate. 20. I've found a really useful website about allergies on the Net. 21. There were so many visitors to the website that it went down. 22. You need to look at your website through the user's eyes. 23. I called up their website, but it didn't have the information I was looking for. 24. Their website looks amateurish. 25. The book guides you through making your own website in easy stages. 26. For more information about other Cambridge titles, visit our website at www.cambridge.org. 27. Register a domain name if you want people to find your website. 28. You can find details of all our products on our website. 29. We put a lot of material up on our website simply by repurposing our existing catalog. 30. Details of the course can be found on our website.