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61. Turn on your computer, access the internet and find the website for Confession / www.com. 62. Davies claimed that he did not know he was committing an offence by accessing the website. 63. The website also sets out the reliefs available for charitable donations. 64. Christmas has merely served to highlight the deficiencies of some businesses-great website, shame about the delivery. 65. She also created Write a Senior, a website that links the elderly with pen pals around the world. 66. ESPN's sports website is one of the most visited sites in cyberspace. 67. The council has put an emergency radiation leak plan on its website which reads like a throwback to the Cold War. 68. This is the website of the Neuropsychology Central. 69. No programming knowledge required to run this website. 70. Underage persons will be denied access to our website. 71. Long-expected freshman class website BBS finally and everybody see! 72. I mean establishing consumer visitation rights, far beyond an 800 - number and a standard website. 73. The footnote, for instance, that the white supremacist website stormfront.org temporarily went dead on 5 November, the day after the election, because it was so inundated with requests for membership. 74. You could log on Meinian website with your examination number and password to check your health check result when you finish after 7to 10 working days. 75. Therefore, business website search engine optimization only one way operation. 76. Natural elegance deals with the "feel" a website or application expresses through its behavior over time, and which is rooted in the rules of order that govern nature. 77. As you may know, on March 10th, 2006 NASA's own website issued a solar storm warning for 2012. 78. Deserted content - blow content, it is consideration content from the website, and repackage it , in order to make it looks different, but be in substantially it just is a many reduplicative one page. 79. What is the concern that follows retrorse link?The person of subscription also can think your website increases retrorse connection more more. 80. I am looking for a web designer to build a BASIC group buying website that consists of the usual features of a site like Groupon or Daily Deals. 81. This is the process of improving the tactility of your website – getting people to stay on the website longer. 82. The starkness of the personal details on his Treasury website biography gives the impression of a man totally committed to politics. 83. This is the website of the allied and complementary medicine database. 84. This will provide the basis for a website publishing software for smal to medium sized businesses. 85. For businesses, generating a QR code can be as easy as traveling to a website. 86. This is the website of the World Wide Web Virtual Library: Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography. 87. Unfortunate is, good, it is laborious website administrator reduplicative content is deleted in once dropping into filter place to search engine. 88. These elements serve as a visual mnemonic across all of NPN's branding elements, from logo and packaging to website and athlete sponsorship materials. 89. "There is no study showing that pork meat significantly improves sexual activity, " Amado Bechara, a specialist in sexual disfunction, told the website of the newspaper La Nacion. 90. Link to the website maintained by the University of Michigan.