快好知 kuaihz

state of affairs造句
91. This means that, yes, she can't be Trig's real mother, but this will hardly be a preferable state of affairs to rightwing Republican voters. 92. Soddy would not have been surprised at our current state of affairs. 93. She stared thoughtfully into the distance, deliberating the state of affairs. 94. If you set a lofty target, you'll never be satisfied with the existing state of affairs, and you will work and fight all your life (make strenuous efforts in spite of difficulties)to seek your target. 95. Our black people have often been treated as second-class citizens; this is a state of affairs that must be clearly set to rights. 96. The world view is rendered emotionally convincing by being presented as an image of an actual state of affairs peculiarly well-arranged to accommodate such a way of life. 97. This particular half - sine pulse is only a very approximate model for the actual state of affairs. 98. Declarative a speech act which changes the state of affairs in the world. 99. There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs. 100. How did this dangerous state of affairs in Europe come about? 101. It was this state of affairs that led Lawrence Phillips to find a replacement for the Soundex algorithm, called the Metaphone. 102. The analysts, Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, had coined a term for this state of affairs: plutonomy. 103. This unfortunate state of affairs will give two of Dr Buhl’s colleagues, Stephen Simpson and Gregory Sword, plenty of opportunity to observe the behaviour of the locusts. 104. I request to be informed of the current state of affairs. 105. This state of affairs was not to last long "for Jung has a proud stomach" and he parted company with Freud, to become, like his master, a luminary of the psychoanalytical world. 106. As long as this pathological state of affairs persists, questions of global growth and social welfare will continue to depend on Wall Street and the enduring fallacies of free-market finance. 107. Rash advance and conservatism both disregard the actual state of affairs, both are subjectivist. 108. This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs: Johannes Brahms, as pianist, began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life.