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121. Among all the major distros out there, Ubuntu has probably done the best job with hardware compatibility. 122. Base data types of a user-defined type are used to analyze partition compatibility. 123. A moisture curable one component waterproof coatings was prepared from polyether polyols, petroleum asphalt, toluene diisocyanate, diluent and a compatibility modifier, etc. 124. The addition of the compatilizer improves the compatibility between lubricant and polyolefin. 125. As an important part of digit circuit, electromagnetic compatibility of clock circuit is a complex problem. 126. While non-threaded applications that use a smaller subset of common libraries have a better chance of maintaining binary compatibility between SLES releases, do regression testing to ensure quality. 127. Microphase separated structure of blends has been determined by means of VES. DSC, SEM and TEM. Blood compatibility of the blends was evaluated by column beads method. 128. At last, some measures to solve Problem of electromagnetic compatibility were discussed appliance of plasma. 129. Must be able to handle null field name for backward compatibility. 130. summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution. 131. The compatibility of ceftriaxone sodium with composite sodium chloride injection should be avoided in clinic. 132. Couples are often quite starry-eyed about their expectations of married life and unwilling to admit to anything which could show their compatibility for each other to be less than perfect. 133. Site administrators can configure their sites to default to a specific document compatibility mode by defining a custom header for the site. 134. That means for high styrene compounds e. g. tread compounds, the oil which has high aromatic content have better compatibility with it. 135. Antipollution excellent performance. color paste compatibility with the good. for products of a white or light-colored products, recommend the use of E8 colorless accelerator. 136. Expressions to test the type compatibility of two object reference variables with various data types. 137. Affecting factor included molecular weight and dosage of thermoplastic resin and its compatibility with bismaleimide. 138. In this paper, the definitions of fuzzy measure and compatibility of fuzzy sets of type Oare first given, and some character of fuzzy measure and compatibility of fuzzy sets of type Oare discussed. 139. From the viewpoint of compatibility between engineering development and social and physical enviroment, Systems engineering explores the ways of important engineering development. 140. The compatibility test of speed of linking to offset distance is done, followed by compatibility test of speed of link to roll rotation and correcting test. 141. It is important to keep in mind that recompiling to gain performance enhancements may compromise binary compatibility on some environments. 142. The solution is to run system-config-xfree86 (system-config-display on Fedora Core) and select a VESA mode for compatibility support. 143. In this paper, the compatibility of JUS organ polysiloxane gel was studied. 144. ManagedSpyLib make use of automated testing for compatibility process so recorded interactive communications , or Box. 145. New for 2.0, this function can also test for all three optional feature modules described in Part 3 of this series: Schema Awareness, Backwards Compatibility, and Serialization. 146. The results showed that improving the blend compound's compatibility and co-cure is the key to achieve excellent properties so that the new material will be widely used in a new field. 147. We hypothesized that congruency will affect stimulus evaluation and compatibility affect response selection. 148. The colorful mid - priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum. 149. In this paper, synthetic technology of hydrate inhibitor HBH is presented and its inhibitive property and compatibility with other additives are also evaluated in laboratory. 150. The compatibility of the dimerization and copolymerization catalysts were discussed.