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61. Simultaneously the identical claw hook can snatch up and lower down the transistor frames of various widths, and the compatibility is stronger. 62. The Controlled Foreign Company regime is viewed as an important anti -avoidance measure, but whether it is compatibility with tax treaties or not is a important issue. 63. It indicated that excellent compatibility was the base of making high performance concrete, and discussed how to build quantitative evaluatation way of compatiblity initially. 64. For unauthenticated pages, WebSphere Portal V5.1 maintains compatibility with earlier releases, in which these pages were cacheable and administered with only globally working parameters. 65. The compatibility and hardware resource requirement were discussed, and the theoretical upper limit of the efficiency was given. 66. The results from cell compatibility experiment reveal that anodize oxidation treatment can improve the biocompatibility of titanium and its alloy. 67. However, over the past 30 days later, I just can not find out a number of software compatibility issues. 68. Major changes in core libraries can also present a problem when trying to achieve binary compatibility. 69. Ubuntu has MAPI Exchange protocol compatibility, so the server infrastructure would not need to be modified during any migration. 70. Result shows that the compatibility condition between them is 0. 5-1 to 1, and better temporary plugging effect could achieved when the concentration of bridging particle is 3% or higher. 71. It looks like Mono is ready for production, at least for new applications or those which pass the Moma compatibility test. 72. The composite material has favorable bioactivity and compatibility, and the degradation product of the composite material is innoxious and has no irritant. 73. This paper studied emphatically the heat steadiness of naphthaline and compatibility of naphthaline with carbon steel. 74. Considering the fuzzy information system, a compatibility fuzzy-rough sets based on fuzzy compatibility relation is proposed in this paper. 75. But NEA decides to attract more LP to enter, reflect its compatibility. 76. Therefore it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to investigate the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of petrolic ignition system. 77. Software compatibility can refer to the ability for the software to run on a particular OS or environment or hardware infrastructure like CPU architecture etc. 78. With the development of network and the growing need for software compatibility, the research of virtual machine has entered into a glorious time. 79. The hardware constitution, software design and electromagnetic compatibility design of this system were stated too. 80. This time around, the designers began their development with backward compatibility as a requirement. 81. However, if you want the option of being able to contact Red Hat for support, you should stay within the 'supported' list of the Red Hat Hardware Compatibility List. 82. Under the deformation compatibility condition, the calculation formula for distribution coefficient of axial compression is derived. 83. Compatibility - A person who owns a water bed should not use blankets that are heated. 84. To evaluate the compatibility of the tendon suture, some experiments were carried based on cell toxicity test. urgent toxicity test, pyrogenic reaction test, skin stimulated test and hemo1ytic test. 85. The coupling matrix is given by interface displacement compatibility condition and interface force equilibrium condition. 86. The four process is to ensure software compatibility and system stability, I think the players are fluent in only the benefits of no harm in it. 87. There are connect space left on the main control board, can be expanded to argon arc welding machine, make it have good compatibility. 88. However, you may still be able to enjoy all the benefits of Windows 7 without giving up your favorite apps, thanks to a new compatibility feature called XP Mode. 89. The significance of using corrigent compatibility is discussed by philosophy method and the base on abstract is gived in science studying arid clinical application. 90. Intel has provided several alpha releases this year which have demonstrated the platform's broad hardware compatibility, excellent boot performance, and other technical features.