probability造句31. A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate.
32. There is a 95% probability that she will not have the disease.
33. The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.
34. His story-telling can push the bounds of probability a bit far at times.
35. Probability has a precise meaning here.
36. In all probability, the Commonwealth will rest tomorrow morning.
37. The extremes of a statistical distribution represent unpredictably rare individual events, which have very low values of statistical probability.
38. Snows Ride, a local thoroughfare, was in all probability named in his dubious honour.
39. Statistics grapples with the quantification of such nebulous concepts as probability, certainty and error.
40. Does it depend on the statistical probability of a crash?
41. Calculating the probability of the quark following this path from A to B involves integration, which is always difficult for computers.
42. Should it be exhibiting a work which, in all probability, was obtained from its legal owner by fraudulent means?
43. Objective probability applies to those events which have been tested previously and found to come up with consistent results.
44. However, at addresses where the number of electors had changed, the probability of any individual being selected had also changed.
45. In all probability these late reports confuse the species with the Hudsonian curlew.
46. But one of the great changes from the past is that this possibility of living alone is swiftly becoming a probability.
47. A young Salomon Brothers trader named Howie Rubin began to calculate the probability of homeowners' prepaying their mortgages.
48. The probability of smoking cessation increased by 40% if a person smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day.
49. So far as resident proprietors went this rough yardstick makes a useful indicator as to the probability of their owning land in other places.
50. The probability of socially disadvantaged children being identified as having special needs is very much greater than in other children.
51. The probability of my inviting a lightning strike in any particular minute is also very low.
52. The probability matrix is raised to successively higher powers in much the same way.
53. Talk of probability waves and eigen values does not undermine the reality of atoms and molecules.
54. A number of backing off formulae are possible which aim to provide the best approximations to the probability of the transitions.
55. One metric by which collocations may be measured and grouped is to rate them on a scale of probability.
56. Signal morphology was analysed by the probability density function for the amount of time the signal spent away from the electrical baseline.
57. What was the probability - the unvarnished statistical likelihood - of such a coincidence?
58. Any effect that a change in a gene has on its own replication probability is fair game for natural selection.
59. The probability of missing a cervical infection is possibly higher when using biopsy specimens because of inevitable sampling errors.
60. One can not be certain about that; one can only express an opinion as to the probability.