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61. Each combination was given a probability score based on its occurrence in a large corpus. 62. Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors. 63. Provided the colours look attractive when the rug is purchased, the overwhelming probability is that they will only improve with age. 64. In real life, the probability that a gene will mutate is often less than one in a million. 65. Even when the correct word was given a high probability, there were many other words with an equally high probability. 66. Phases of multiply measured reflections were combined using the phase probability coefficients. 67. Heartwatch gives a specific assessment of the probability of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke in later life. 68. From these histograms, a probability cut off point could be selected to maximise the proportions of correctly predicted successes and failures. 69. When this indicated a probability of less than 0.05 for the null hypothesis Student-Newman-Keuls analyses were performed to determine which values differed significantly. 70. The overall probability for a patient with Crohn's disease being homozygous for the major locus for Crohn's disease was 0.07. 71. The application of these tests may increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true. 72. That is my point: you have cast aside the probability of future happiness on a whim. 73. These latter two actions increase the probability that a client will carry through with the contract.http:///probability.html 74. Said victim, in high spirits at justice actually being served against all probability, immediately calls the police. 75. Mortality force instead of the probability of dying should be used in this definition. 76. Or like strands of lumpy noodle in the soup of probability. 77. As gamete-production proceeds, it will have a non-zero probability of death or of becoming unable to produce gametes. 78. Probability graph paper exists to show the extent to which a distribution deviates from the Gaussian shape. 79. This probability is lowest when based on short tests under conditions of high acceleration. 80. That is, the position of a particle could not be defined with absolute certainty, but only by statistical probability. 81. Perfect log-normal grain size distributions plot as straight lines on the probability paper. 82. Finally, the vastness of space makes the probability of such a close approach of two stars extremely small. 83. If he did, the probability is that his genetic inheritance played its part somewhere along the line. 84. Naturally I hope not, and the probability is that we're exercising ourselves over nothing. 85. Probability of life on a randomly selected planet if life arose only once in the universe. 86. The height of the curve at any point on the dimension axis x is called the probability density of that particular value. 87. It seems better not to include it as a criterion of value, once it is clearly distinguished from probability. 88. But the outcome is neither random, nor completely orderly: probability has entered into the fray. 89. Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return. 90. The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists.