observed造句91. She even once let Alison sew on a button and observed Alison's gratitude.
92. It observed, and noted, and took no action, as the visitor checked its speed with jets of incandescent gas.
93. This can occur at any time but particularly when the student has been observed or supervised in her nursing care.
94. Many of the heroes and gods of these tabloid genealogies were in turn apparent personifications of astronomical bodies and phenomena observed anciently.
95. They had scarcely addressed a word to her but from behind her barrier of quiet she observed them closely.
96. When dons became involved in worldly affairs, they observed, mistakes were inevitable.
97. The weather became cooler under the influences of cold breezes from the frozen north, observed my master.
98. This behaviour can be observed, and we hope analysed, especially in bacteriology.
99. The researchers are making assumptions based on their preliminary human findings and the changes observed in animals.
100. It's a cool drinking venue, with a noir dress code observed by the arty crowd and staff.
101. Under these conditions, the researchers observed significantly higher blood levels of alcohol in the women compared with the men.
102. In the past few years, marine biologists have observed a jump in whale sightings in places not previously considered prime habitat.
103. A descriptive sociology requires a familiarity with the observed events that is achieved through intimate and often prolonged exposure.
104. The opposition call for a boycott of the election was almost universally observed yet the Government still claimed a landslide victory.
105. I never witnessed a serious quarrel or observed anyone I would describe as angry.
106. Cornelius observed that freckles on her left cheek mapped out the Tuamotu archipelago of south-west Polynesia.
107. For urokinase type plasminogen activator antigen in the stomach the opposite was observed.
108. In agreement with the above mentioned data this effect is also observed in HeLa cells.
109. He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress.
110. I observed the rehabilitation process for people after myocardial infarction and discovered the importance of boosting personal confidence.
111. Interor intra-mural burials were not typically observed within the houses of the Indus cities.
112. Identifying the hazards arising from their use and the precautions to be observed.
113. Notice that for him to be able to say this he does not have to have observed his own behaviour.
114. Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
115. The net result of these antagonistic effects was that no significant change in soluble calcium was observed.
116. But you can not expect another to carry out a task if he or she is constantly being observed by some one else.
117. The study stresses that the levels of caesium observed do not pose any risk to health.
118. This phenomenon was observed among gay men from the very beginning of the epidemic.
119. Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences.
120. Similar air temperatures are observed today in geographically equivalent temperate high latitudes.