observed造句121. Previous research concentrated on the removal of nitrate that was observed when groundwater conditions change from aerobic to anaerobic.
122. Chupp adds that the existence of strong neutron fluxes may also require re-evaluation of some previously observed solar events.
123. However, a case can be made out for cyclically adjusting such figures so that the long-term trend of unemployment may be observed.
124. Some of their characteristics can be observed in soap bubbles and films.
125. A spectacular, widely observed meteorite fall in Newfoundland on October 19, 1936, set a fishing boat afire.
126. The managers observed that their subordinates sought their assistance about a variety of problems.
127. A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
128. It is observed that the maria and the large unfilled basins tend to lie in the equatorial regions of the Moon.
129. A good deal of role confusion and bewilderment as the growing child encounters the newer ways is to be expected and observed.
130. Catterson also observed that e-mail links between plants and subsidiaries of the same company can give union negotiators the advantage of surprise.
131. The shape must be observed, and understood,[www.] and joined in an act of awe and worship.
132. There are probably other factors also responsible for the differences in permeability observed between patients with and without active disease.
133. As Stuart Marshall observed pointedly, postmodernism authorizes but has yet to create a new populism.
134. In their study, three-to five-year-old children observed causal sequences involving a Jack-in-the-box with two runways into the box.
135. From the observed absence of such annihilation radiation we can conclude that our galaxy is made entirely of particles rather than antiparticles.
136. When the data for census tracts are observed a marked discrepancy can be seen within East Allegheny.
137. It cost almost as much to elect an honest candidate as to elect a dishonest one, he observed.
138. For untold generations the priests of the kingdom of Babylonia meticulously observed and recorded the movements of the heavenly bodies.
139. At the beginning of this book we observed the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
140. According to local reports an opposition strike call was widely observed on Oct. 26.
141. I folded my arms and observed Emily Lightbody as she touched up her make-up preparatory to leaving.
142. We have stressed the regularity that is observed in free-running experiments and interpreted it as evidence for the body clock.
143. The excellent agreement between the predicted and observed orbital decay rates has a double significance.
144. Glare was to be observed in greater strictness and in absolute poverty.
145. The variations in prosperity in the North Side become more acute when observed on the smaller scale of the census tract.
146. The observers observed the UFO of the observation post.
147. He sat in a circle of light carefully observed.
148. The main observed adverse effects were granulocytopenia and mild periphery neurotoxicity.
149. Methods: Injecting cycloheximide to 15 - day - old chick embryos and were observed under transmission electron microscopy.
150. Two spall planes were observed in the soft recovered sample for the high stress triangular wave experiment.