快好知 kuaihz

1. His book was in parts written in verse. 2. The last verse will be sung in unison. 3. Let's sing the last verse again. 4. Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse. 5. The poet's anger finds expression in the last verse of the poem. 6. She recited a verse from the Bible/the Koran. 7. The writer took a verse from the Bible. 8. Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse. 9. This is a verse photographing the human ruins. 10. Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray. 11. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me. 12. Sing the second verse allegro. 13. Please turn this piece of prose into verse. 14. He used to declaim French verse to us. 15. Most of Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse. 16. a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse. 17. This verse describes three signs of spring. 18. He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm. 19. Shall I sing the descant in the last verse? 20. Written in verse, the play was set in the Middle Ages. 21. His verse has the sing - song rhythm of a poetaster. 22. He wanted to write a verse drama in which the verse would seem a natural expression of modern life. 23. At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus. 24. I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next. 25. I can't quote you chapter and verse but I think it's a line from 'Macbeth'. 26. I can give you chapter and verse for my statement concerning the date of the incident. 27. I have been moved to write a few lines of verse. 28. In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose. 29. 'Brillig' is a made-up word used in a piece of nonsense verse by Lewis Carroll. 30. There was a taste in court circles for romantic verse.