快好知 kuaihz

211. Efficiency is paramount at Kura: absent are the traditional sushi chefs and their painstaking attention to detail. In their place are sushi-making robots and an emphasis on efficiency. 212. But , up to now the software development environment which is mature and acceptant has been absent. 213. Default judgment meant that the court judgment when one party was absent from the trial. 214. Even though his father was absent for virtually all his life, Obama writes, "My father's voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval. 215. Delayed self-pollination by curvature of stigma-lobes occurs in flowers of Kosteletzkya virginica, when pollinators are scarce or absent. 216. He stained his military record by going AWOL [ a. w . o . l . = absent without official leave ] . 217. Absent, too, are the exorbitant prices of conventional sushi restaurants. At a Kura, a sushi plate goes for 100 yen, or about $1.22. 218. But in the group of resecting intercostobrachial nerve, 3 patients have axillary absent sweating, 18 patients have anesthesia, 4 patients have burning sensation, and 9 patients have hypoaesthesia. 219. In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means. 220. Physical condition is normal. Ocular examination reveals defect of the accommodation and convergence. Near constriction of the pupil is absent while light reflex is normal. 221. In such conditions, only highly deleterious genes be absent from the set of cloned genes. 222. In silicotic collagen the active stable free radical was absent. 223. The results showed that the Ca content in mesocarp parenchyma cells of calcium deficient peanuts was absent, "filling matter" was little and breakable. 224. Absent, too, are the exorbitant prices of conventional sushi restaurants. 225. The skin that what method does not let him is absent anile? 226. The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells, but is absent in cells of most higher plants. 227. An untended lawn or garden can signal an absent owner. 228. Absent was the public bickering over economic stimulus versus regulation that had plagued the runup to their session. 229. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they're late or absent or up to some devilment . 230. Imaging findings include an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, most conspicuously seen on sagittal T1 or T2 weighted images. 231. On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent. 232. The nasal bone was absent in 43 of 59 (73%) trisomy 21 fetuses and in three of 603 (0.5%) fetuses with normal karyotype. 233. If the quit rate is exogenous and the quit penalty associated with training is absent, the contracted employees would like to accept lower wages in order to gain more training. 234. Auditory neuropathy, or dyssynchrony, is defined by an abnormal or absent auditory brainstem response but intact otoacoustic emissions or cochlear microphonics. 235. If part B absent from class and do not apply to leave, part A will not pay for the unworked period. 236. In type A, the warty layer is absent or rare in pit chamber and in type B, the warty layer is present, in this paper, the variation in phylogeny of the pit membrane in bordered pits is also discussed. 237. Efficiency is paramount at Kura: absent are the traditional sushi chefs and their painstaking attention to detail. 238. The Basiji paramilitary force , armed plainclothes militia, were absent for most the day. 239. The disturbance of self-regard is absent in mourning; but otherwise the features are the same.