快好知 kuaihz

31. Someday the difference between machines and biology will be hard to discern. 32. I could not see far enough to discern what the far gym contained. 33. An overall conclusion on the developmental role is not too difficult to discern amongst the different assessments. 34. The spectator stands beside us and helps us discern right from wrong. 35. Quite a variety of tasks can be undertaken, but most of them relate somehow to an ability to discern patterns. 36. And in every case a perceptive manager should be able to discern a clear pattern. 37. We may also discern close similarities between Hayek and Oakeshott on law and government. 38. Here we may discern a connection with the Whig imagery of balance which dominated constitutional writing a century earlier. 39. Thus it is possible to discern three main levels of causality in this model of industrial conflict. 40. The study of structure and function will to some extent discern similarities of process in these movements. 41. The wish to discern a framework for the Earth itself is something which dates back at least to the time of Ptolemy. 42. Presently, Cleo was able to discern the rattle of gentle snoring coming from the adjoining room. 43. Can we discern contemporary patterns of shared accommodation between kin which might also be the result of such pressures? 44. From what you've seen as both founder and trustee, can you discern where art-philanthropy might be heading? 45. If so, it's the only blessing I can discern in it. 46. What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation. 47. But he floated into the midst of a sea of water stretching as far as he could discern on every side around him. 48. At best, we can discern a pattern in the cases and views expressed about them. 49. Am I being realistic about what, as far as I can discern, the managerial role entails? 50. He was still quite unable to discern what the bequest could possibly be, let alone whether it was of any value. 51. When the rear of the cupboard swung open, Schiller could dimly discern a light switch inside. 52. By observation we can probe this world and attempt to discern the laws which regulate it. 53. As far as I could discern none of the courts operates on any form of jury system. 54. Initially, you might discern the larger category of three different word groupings. 55. Can you discern an editorial leaning or tendency in the work they accept? 56. And here, as at more specific levels of religious conceptualization, we can again discern logical patterns and relationships. 57. The first step in managing that diversity was being able to discern key differences. 58. She sought to discern his inmost thoughts. 59. You must understand how to discern the extraterrestrial energies. 60. At first, we could only discern a blob.