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91. Experimental results show that this method can effectively deal with the problem about zero drift and has such characters as wide starting leakage, large linear scale and high discern rate. 92. Whom would they discern there, with the red eastern light upon his brow? 93. These might include the inability to discern visible or auditory cues or to operate a pointing device. 94. Like the fly that nourishes itself on death, I discern the specter of the grave in all its manifestations, from the grossest to the most rarified. 95. No sign of sail or of glinting oars could they discern. 96. But exactly where hippos sit on the artiodactyl family tree has proved devilishly difficult to discern. 97. To discern positive and negative example fully, feature subset selection plays a great role in learning from examples. 98. I could but just discern the frowning line of the opposite cliffs. 99. So, in the times that are coining , it will be easy for you to discern who's who and what's what as you travel outside the third-dimensional realm. 100. Of course the mystique remains, and of course new teen-agers discern something ineffably simpatico in Cobain's voice. 101. You have a good imagination in love and a fairly rich fantasy life. You also have the talent to discern which fantasies can realistically be played out and which are better left in the imagination. 102. By this time it was less easy to discern a single Cubist school. 103. Using a catheter, the researchers sampled fluid from the neostriatum during these stages to discern neurotransmitter activity. 104. Devices used to discern whether some prescribed condition is present, usually within a predetermined time period. 105. Only when he thought himself unobserved could one discern the underlying melarcholy and frustration. 106. Give us the power to discern clearly right from wrong. 107. Caveats aside, I discern about seven large trends or directions emerging from the ceaseless, hourly toil of organic evolution. 108. As our insensitivity has increased, so naturally has our ability to discern that insensitivity declined. 109. In the breaking and remarking , in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously. 110. -- And then look inward, and discern the black reality of what they idolize? 111. So long as he can discern every star in its place upon that ensign. 112. Rapid Eye Movement ( REM ), a characteristic of deep sleep, is hard to discern. 113. Because this must grind seriously, read advertisement, discern true bogus, the connotation of anatomize advertisement word. 114. For centuries, thinkers from Aristotle to Darwin tried to discern the nature and origins of humor, only to have their ideas trail off without a punch line. 115. A channel estimator portion 42 uses known searching techniques to discern a channel impulse response.