快好知 kuaihz

1. The witness completely vindicated him. 2. The report fully vindicated the unions. 3. The director said he had been vindicated by the experts' report. 4. He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded. 5. Her claim to the title was vindicated by historians. 6. Subsequent events vindicated the policy. 7. The investigation vindicated her complaint about the newspaper. 8. He tried hard to vindicate his honor. 9. I consider that I've been completely vindicated. 10. Our fears of conflict were partially vindicated by today's events. 11. The decision to advertise has been vindicated by the fact that sales have grown. 12. He left claiming that history would vindicate him. 13. The petitioner asks whether Seia can vindicate. 14. Cook died in 1940, vowing that time would vindicate him. 15. He would immortalize Jack and vindicate himself from his culpable grief by becoming what Jack would have been. 16. Moore's handling of the Abraham case helped to vindicate the separation of powers between politicians and judges. 17. Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory. 18. Vindicate communal order, respect other people. 19. I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness. 20. How would you vindicate your failure to your family? 21. You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you. 22. You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel. 23. How can you vindicate your behavior to the teacher? 24. The decision to include Morris in the team was completely vindicated when he scored three goals. 25. The charges are false, and we are sure we will be vindicated in court. 26. I have every confidence that this decision will be fully vindicated. 27. That a minority did succeed, however, again seemed to vindicate their technique. 28. But the extinctive prescription will not apply in registered immovable and movable property in order to vindicate the absolute validity of registration. 29. Now, how to protect, succeed and develop traditional culture and to vindicate cultural multiversity, it has already become a task at international. 30. The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.