快好知 kuaihz

31. For the LORD will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants. 32. There are times when wild rallies in high - flying stocks seem to vindicate the greater fool theory. 33. When Kuhn give up to demonstrate the key notion of the Structure, Paradigm, he hope to elucidate the other key notion of the book, that is, incommensurability, to vindicate his early standpoint . 34. The findings contradict common assumptions about the lily, but they do seem to vindicate one unlikely theorist: German literary master Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 35. Joe Miller: Now, vindicate it to me same Im a four - year - old . 36. There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate Shakespeare's authorship. 37. He therefore resolved to vindicate national sovereignty by bringing great combinations to book. 38. Results The patients with cancer need humanities solicitude, expectation sedateness and indolence death, wish vindicate oneself selfhood and body visualize. 39. When we are being mistreated, we have the assurance that our God will vindicate us. 40. This does not vindicate the American invasion, which unleashed chaos and strife. 41. This is called venerating the emperor. These thought embodies the idea of great national unity to vindicate the control of the Zhou Dynasty. 42. Recent observations vindicate the assumption: a direct velocity - mass correlation is even tighter than the velocity - luminosity correlation. 43. Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. 44. Anaxagoras was the first, apparently, among the Greeks to vindicate the predominance of mind or reason in the universe. 45. Third , the Trade Union should supervise, fulfill and vindicate positively.