快好知 kuaihz

31 The primary testing episode showed, however, a propensity to unite against the Government. 32 Duncan reminds us of the antiquity of the propensity to quantify the doings of people in various ways. 33 National income and the average propensity to consume in the United States, 1869- 1928. 34 All objects have a propensity to move in straight lines, upwards or downwards, towards their natural place. 35 Wartime discoveries of acute poverty among elderly people heightened awareness of their propensity to poverty. 36 For example, the marginal propensity to make bequests out of lifetime income may rise with the level of income. 37 I can tell about my propensity toward middle age spread simply by trying to fit into my double-breasted blazer. 38 Propensity to take an unfair advantage of available opportunities by those who lead the change. 39 Some strains of nematodes have a high propensity for arrested development while in others this is low. 40 It stabilised demand by income transfers to those who had a high propensity to consume. 41 On this score they were identical to the preceding game: slow starters with a propensity to give away simple penalties. 42 Their importance, like that of cytomegalovirus, lies in their propensity for causing serious perinatal infection. 43 He was. a gifted man, but had a propensity for falling into bad associations. 44 He recognized his own propensity to evil. 45 She hasn't reckoned on his propensity for violence. 46 Propensity to consume is there. 47 That slope is the marginal propensity to consume. 47try its best to gather and create good sentences. 48 It'springs from a peculiar propensity of mine, Your Honor. 49 Little girls have a propensity for playing with dolls. 50 His propensity for [ toward ] wonder and adventure was growing constantly. 51 With a descent of marginal propensity to consume of Chinese resident, expenditure multiplier of government uniterruptedly go down. 52 The Chinese language embraces many unique politeness features, such as self- denigration and affirmative propensity. 53 However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity to elicit passive results, such as formation, thrombopoiesis, form ation of encrustation or stone. 54 Thereby it draws some conclusions that invest multiplier of FuXin is not stable, marginal propensity to consume lowly. 55 He argued that if domestic demand for goods and services is weak, perhaps because of a low propensity to consume, there is likely to be a lot of unemployment, as otherwise supply would exceed demand. 56 It has two forms: average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume. 57 A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross. 58 Tumor growth is slow but its clinical course is relentless and progressive. ACC is the propensity for perineural invasion and distant spread to the lungs and bones is frequent. 59 If the marginal propensity to consume increases, the multiplier increases, additional autonomous spending will have a greater compounded effect in the equilibrium of the goods market. 60 The frequency interpretation and the propensity interpretation belong to the objective interpretation of modern inductive logic.