快好知 kuaihz

91 Yes, you can blame your increased poundage on the recession now, at least if you already had a propensity to portliness, according to a new study. 92 First, peoples' idea affects their propensity to save and consume and invest, and difference attitude on risk, which are impacted on the economic situation. 93 This waistcoat has a propensity to pucker up over the chest. 94 In many countries, government agencies and non-profit-making enterprises have a similar propensity to outsource for the sake of operational effectiveness. 95 The marginal propensity to import, in other words, is a " leakage " from the expenditure stream. 96 Asia's propensity to save is engrained more by policy than by culture. 97 After analyzing the propensity to consume and the economy institution altogether in our country, we know there is a close connection between them. 98 Development of hardier clones has helped production levels, which were irregular in humid climates, due to this variety's propensity to develop "powdery mildew" and "black rot". 99 Given my propensity for skepticism when it comes to most of the paranormal piffle proffered by the prajna peddlers meditating and soaking their way to nirvana here, I was surprised the hall was full. 100 Then the task is to estimate the cointegration equations to obtain the marginal propensity to consume and the income elasticity of the city dwellers central China. 101 Essentially, what the precautionary-saving literature says is that more uncertainty reduces the average propensity to consume (APC), the ratio of consumption to income. 102 Under existing household registration system in China, migrants have lower marginal propensity to consume than the urban residents. 103 This paper explores the impact of income distribution on propensity to consume and explains the characteristics of propensity to consume in China based on the law of diminishing marginal utility. 104 These mouselike creatures are among the small minority of mammals — less than 5 percent — who share humans' propensity for monogamy. 105 Asia's propensity to save is engrained more by policy than by culture. But that doesn't mean it can be quickly or easily reversed. 106 By using Chinese Household Survey of 2005, this paper adopts the dummy variable and Propensity Score Matching model to estimate wage returns on computer uses. 107 And your defect is a propensity to hate every body. 108 It is, thus, the largest market in the world for the furniture sector and it has a strong propensity to import. 109 This paper revised the model of foreign trade multiplier, and estimated the time-varying marginal propensity to import and foreign trade multiplier in China though the time-varying parameters model. 110 A corollary from the hypothesis is that, people's marginal propensity to consume in earlier life cycle is high, in the following life cycle is relatively low, and in the late life cycle is high again. 111 Given our propensity to look for patterns in a superfluity of data, is it any wonder that so many are taken in by such codified claptrap? 112 They are growing slowly with a propensity for local recurrence and metastasis. 113 The long-term propensity to consume of Chinese citizens exists "Kuznets' Paradox", but the long-term propensity to consume of Chinese citizens trends lower. 114 Propensity scores are used to reduce selection bias by equating groups based on these covariates. 115 Individuals, companies and some governments have continued their propensity to save. 116 Given the propensity for human error in such circumstances, mechanised grunts might make such calls better than flesh-and-blood officers. 117 To this end, the authors use a generalised propensity score technique. 118 A high marginal propensity to consume increases the effect of any expansion in autonomous spending. 119 Should genetic engineers fix nearsightedness, say, or a propensity to put on weight or lose hair? 120 For the time being, Hamas has survived without dealing with its own vulnerabilities, including its anti-Semitic charter, its disregard for the laws of war, and its propensity for authoritarianism.