快好知 kuaihz

61. Education, n. That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.Ambrose Bierce 62. Assets abroad were frozen by the U. N. These events set into motion the erasure of the middle class. 63. GUHgl-MUHgl n. A folk remedy for sore throats and colds. 64. Y/N 7 I am willing to forgive people who have upset me and do not bear grudges against them. 65. N., the tension between the veto-holders and the others would prove well-nigh intractable. 66. N.B. Languages and language learners are very idiosyncratic and what works for some may not work for others. 67. Let n be a positive integer, any one you wish, but fixed once chosen. 68. The N.C.M.A. has a contract form which is helpful for this. 69. Set the lock to N.N and increase the stitch size. 70. Consider a symmetric equilibrium in which the n firms in industry i all charge a price pi. 71. The flower, too, is about half the size of those of N. indicum. 72. Store accumulator n in store location X are logically sufficient. 73. N., we would face more and more often the stark choice between acting alone and doing nothing. 74. Cocaine is n abused drug and not available for therapeutic use. 75. I du n no how long I sit there, I just sit there and sort of watch the cars go by. 76. We then obtain n - 2 linear algebraic equations for the n - 2 unknowns pi. 77. Sources with direct knowledge of the dissension in the U.N. ranks said the mission commander, Maj. 78. Oshima is the U.N. undersecretary for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief, who has been dispatched to look around. 79. Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.Ambrose Bierce 80. Thus the larger is n, the lower the effective price of intermediate inputs. 81. Further away in commercialisation terms, work on lentils at Reading University suggests that following wheat crops would have lower N requirements. 82. Often the participants go off-site for several days, roll up their sleeves. and go at it n o-holds-barred. 83. One of the boys, Reuben N., had scaled a wall and run away from the workhouse. 84. N.A.S.A. members are more concerned than anyone else that all record fish lists are genuine historical records. 85. The cause of the following outburst is the receipt of notice of dues from the N. 86. Fighting has virtually ceased as the U.N. has deployed 15,000 troops. 87. A society with n independent currencies should be times as stable as one with a single currency. 88. As explained, this is C.N.L.'s only hope of acquiring these documents at the present stage. 89. Lawyers said a general on active duty, Herna n Rami rez, was also indicted. 90. I know it's a train station and that, but I du n no how to get home from here.